Spencer Keating: Environmental Engineering, Week Two
The second week of my internship was a blast. Our Arduino shields and Xbee communication devices were delivered. We also got 5 digital temperature sensors in. This week we have been setting up our temperature sensor network and making sure everything is functioning properly. This includes calibrating the sensors in ice water to make sure […]
Ellie Bulson: Spinal Cord Injury Research, Week Two
Hello once again! I have to say my second week at the Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center has been equally exciting, if not more so, than the first. We started off the week with a pretty relaxed day where I got to get some reading done and meet about our plan for the next […]
Alannah Wister: Marine Biology, Week Two
Hello again! During my second week at HIMB I focused primarily on my experiment regarding multi species coral growth. The process for all three of my experiments is similar, rigorous, time consuming and must be very precise. This week we epoxied and mounted all of the corals for the multi-species project and also we had […]
Louis Gonzales: Medicine, Final Week
This week was a really fun and great way to end my internship at UCNW! After four weeks in Bellingham I was able to see a lot of the same patients two or three times, and it was amazing to finally start recognizing people and seeing their improvements. It was especially fun to entertain the […]
Samantha Scherner: Health Equity, Week Two
Welcome back! This week the humidity started to really pick up and the first couple days were really hot. I’m starting to get the hang of working in the city and being around lots of people, I’ve figured out to ride the metro. On Monday we took all of the pre event and post event […]
Wynton Brown: Addiction Research at TSRI, La Jolla Week One
My time in San Diego/La Jolla is off to a great start. Ry and I arrived on Saturday, and were greeted by our host mom, Claire, and her house keeper, Magdalina. They have both been very gracious and generous. Spending time with them has especially interesting, since Claire has a very different perspective than I […]
Ry Gould: First Week at The Scripps Research Institute
My name is Ry Gould and my internship is at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla California, an area of San Diego that is close to the shore. Arriving in San Diego for my internship things started a bit slow. This was due to the lab having the majority of its members away for […]
George Thorneycroft: Unmanned Air Systems at USRI, Stillwater Oklahoma
This Monday the 18th, both Simon Lovely and I began our internships at the Oklahoma State University Unmanned Systems Research Institute (USRI) under Dr. Jamey Jacob. Immediately our group of 7 high school interns was briefed on lab rules, practices, and our projects for the next month. We were presented with the task of designing […]
Simon Lovely: Aerospace Engineering and Unmanned Aerial Systems: Week One
This week for my first week of my Internship, I went to the Oklahoma State University Research Institute to visit Dr. Jamey Jacob and other fellow interns that I would be working with throughout the summer. There are a total of seven interns (including me) that are working this summer for Dr. Jacob, A professor […]
Ellie Bulson: Spinal Cord Injury Research, Week One
Hello! My name is Ellie Bulson and I am currently a student at Telluride High School. For the past week, I have been interning in Louisville, Kentucky, studying neuro recovery in relation to spinal cord injuries. Up until July 28th, I will be working with a team at the Kosair Charities Center for Pediatric Neurorecovery that […]
Lexie Gardner: Environmental Engineering Week One
My name is Lexie Gardner and I am one of the interns from Telluride, Colorado. I, along with Spencer Keating (also from Telluride), am interning under Dr. Brian McPherson at the Civil and Environmental Engineering department at the University of Utah. We are working closely with him and the rest of the Carbon Science & […]
Noah Rainer: Spinal Cord Injuries, Week One
Hello! My name is Noah Marie, I am a student at MCHS in Cortez CO, and I just spent the last week in Louisville Kentucky interning at the Frazier Rehab Institute in research concerning individuals with a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). My internship started at 9:15 on Monday morning with a tour of the The […]