Luka Remec-Organic Chemistry-Engle Lab-Week 4
This week in Lab we moved on to substrate scopes for our project. This means that we will try all types of different substrates in our reaction to try and find the most efficient one that gives us the best yield. We started on Monday by running 6 new reactions, each with a different material. […]
Ian Snapp: San Diego, California | Neuroscience at the Scripp’s DNC | Week 4
Hello, my name is Ian Snapp, and this is the fourth week of my neuroscience internship at the Scripps DNC. To recap, I am working under the Ye lab, studying metabolism within the nervous system. This research requires a focus on an incredibly minute scale, involving molecular biology and biochemistry manipulating DNA to change metabolic […]
Kaylynn Quinonez, Marine Biology at Tybee Marine Science Center, Week 3 and 4
Hello and welcome to my last two week in Tybee Island. These weeks I spent lots more time on sea camp and in the gallery. On week 3 we had 19 students and on week 4 we had only 7. As well I also spent a day with CASA which is Savannah’s team of Court […]
Katie Pumayalli, Neuroscience at Ye Lab, Scripps Research Institute (Week 4)
Hello! My name is Katie Pumayalli, and I’ve just wrapped up the third week of my six-week internship at the Ye Lab at the Scripps Institution in San Diego, California. Can’t believe I’m already halfway through! I’m working under the guidance of the amazing Cailynn Wang and Zhengyuan (Ben) Pang. Since starting on June 17th, […]
Mikah Wareham – Outlaw Equine Hospital (Week 5 and 6)
My last five days at Outlaw have officially come and gone. This has been an amazing experience for me, and I opened more doors with it than I realized were possible when I first started. I have been offered a guaranteed, paying job next summer with Outlaw if I wish to take it and I […]
Ava Silverberg, Entomology Research with the Brosi Lab at RMBL, Week 1
Hello everyone! My name is Ava Silverberg, and I just began my internship this past week with the Brosi Lab at RMBL (Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory) in Gothic (Crested Butte), Colorado! I started on Tuesday, July 2nd, after heading to the Wilkinson Public Library in Telluride, Colorado, where I worked with the Pinhead Institute for […]
Lucas Meridith, Neuromorph Workshop, Week 1
This week I have been fortunate enough to participate in the neuromorphic workshop made available by a plethora of college grads and professors from around the world! The people that attend the workshop, which is located in Telluride, name themselves the Neuromoprhs. Some of the colleges that attend the workshop are Johns Hopkins, Stanford, and […]
Bjorn Cristol, Civil and Material Engineering, Week 5
What a fantastic week this was! I made a fair amount of progress on my coding as well as beginning to collect data using the falling head parameter I made. On top of this, the Fourth of July was a great way to spend time with people from here and get to experience some of […]
Reeve Johnson_Using AI tools to predict stock prices: week 2, webhooks
Week 2 was focused on linking the buy/sell signals to a webhook. A webhook is an https callback link that can be used to communicate information between two different applications. In this case, I was aiming to link the buy/sell signal I created in Trading View to a future Python code that will be run […]
Ian Snapp: San Diego, California | Neuroscience at the Scripp’s DNC | Week 3
Hello, my name is Ian Snapp, and this is the third week of my neuroscience internship at the Scripps DNC. To recap, I am working in the Ye lab, studying metabolism within the nervous system. This research requires a focus on an incredibly minute scale, involving molecular biology and biochemistry. Things I Have Learned […]
Samantha Abate – Marine Biology at UCSB, Week 1
Hello! My name is Samantha Abate and I am interning at UCSB in Santa Barbara, California. Throughout this internship, I am hoping to gain some experience with marine biology as well as learn a little bit more about California schools. This first week has unfortunately been very chaotic. Almost everyone in the lab that we […]
Emma Galleger, Marine Biology, UC Santa Barbara
Hi everyone, my name is Emma Galleger and this was my first week working in the Miller lab for marine biology, at UC Santa Barbara. Due to the holiday this week most people working in the lab were gone, so me and my roommate Samantha Abate went on tours of the building, locating supplies, meeting […]