Seyde Delgado- Collaborative to Combat Illegal Turtle Trade (CCITT) Internship- Week 1
Hello everyone! My name is Seyde Delgado and I am interning with Jennifer Sevin, who teaches biology at the University of Richmond and is part of the Collaborative to Combat the Illegal Turtle Trade.
Devon McHenry, Virtual Internship (Genetics), Week 1
Hello everybody! My name is Devon McHenry and I am interning with Professor David Sanders who teaches at Purdue University.
Christian Lindler, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Weeks 1-2
Hello! I’m Christian Lindler and I’m doing an internship with the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) which is a research organization at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Caitlin Ogoe – LASP Coding Training – Weeks 1 and 2
Hey everyone! My name is Caitlin Ogoe and I’m interning at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) this summer though Pinhead!
Ryann Fife: Rehab Neural Engineering Lab Week Three
This will be my final post, as I have reached the end of my internship here at RNEL. I was again able to see new projects and have a great time. At the beginning of the week, I had the opportunity to be a test subject for a student’s EEG. They hooked up multiple wires […]
Wiley holbrooke, Okavango Wilderness Project, Week 4
This week has been dominated by the sendoff of the expedition. All the past four weeks have led up to this moment, where we say goodbye to our dedicated researchers who will help preserve one the greatest remaining intact ecosystems. The route being attempted is unbeknownst to almost all, and hippos as […]
Ryann Fife: Rehab Neural Engineering Lab Week Two
This week marked my second week at RNEL. I continued to work with Lily as we moved onto a new project. At the beginning of the week, we worked with special insoles from a company called Moticon. These insoles have sensors throughout them and they’re designed to show where the user’s weight and center of […]
Justine Sherry: Week Five Last Week at the REEF
This week was my last week at the REEF. I had four days left at the REEF and I flew home on Friday. For my last few days I worked a lot on my scientific paper from the experiment that I had done the previous week. My mentor gave me a lot of help and […]
Wiley Holbrooke, Okavango Wilderness Project week 3
Pinhead blog 3 Unfortunately, this week I cannot post photos due to terrible WiFi. This week, we continue and finish the packing for the expedition. This packing consists of last minute accessories and gear for a safe trip down the delta. This gear includes water filters […]
Gregor Remec, LASP Software Development, Week Eleven!
This week was awesome! I polished my project and remade some of the logic in the GUI so that it was more universal. Outside of work I spent most of my time at the gym or playing soccer. My project is going super well, and I think it is complete I just need to wait […]
Josh Ives, Computational Biology at CMU, Week 6
Hi everybody! This is going to be my last blog as I have now completed my computational biology internship at CMU and am back in Telluride. Over the past 6 weeks I have learned as much as I might have in a year-long course in a traditional setting. My experience ran the gauntlet from learning […]