Seyde Delgado- Collaborative to Combat the Illegal Turtle Trade (CCITT) Internship- Week 6
I wasn’t able to meet with my mentor on Monday as I usually do, but I continued to record information until I could.
Kelly Stellmacher, Molecular Dynamics: Modeling and Analyzing Changes in Biological Structures, Week 5
Here, after another amazing week with an amazing group of people, I have arrived at another transition point.
Anaya Martinez: Environmental Engineering – Week 6
This week was a very ‘mellow’ week. I had a couple assignments to do in order to prepare for Friday’s “Fun-Day” meeting.
Bella Galbo, Health Equity and Social Justice – Rodham Institute, Week 3
Hello again! I am in D.C., and this week has been so incredible. With the Coronavirus, most everything is online so I haven’t been working in person often.
Caitlin Ogoe – LASP Coding Training – Week 7
Howdy everyone! This week was probably one of my most productive so far, even though it was cut short by a long weekend in observance of the 4th.
Hazel Thomas, Genetic Research at UW, Week 4
This week I continued to work through some of my assignments with Maddie. We had a virtual meeting on Wednesday where we went over my pedigree together.
Zachary Vincent-Oral History with History Colorado-Week 2
This has been a great week, and a very fun one with regards to my internship with History Colorado!
Margaux Lovely, Forensic Psychology, Week 4
I began the week on a Zoom call with Jennie regarding CALiO, which stands for the Child Abuse Library Online.
Carli Tirone: Marine Science Center on Tybee Island Georgia, week one
Hello everyone! I’m Carli Tirone from Olathe which is the corn capital of Colorado!! I love snorkeling so much that I brought my mask and snorkel to my Pintern interview.
Anaya Martinez: Environmental Engineering- Week 5
This week was a pretty productive and good week. Over the last weekend I finished coding my graphs for my presentation on Tuesday.
Carmen Puentes, Molecular Dynamics Analysis using Visual Molecular Dynamics, Week 3
Hello there! I am back, and this was my first week working with Dr. Igor Yorobyov, Dr. Slava Bekker, and Ph.D. student John Dawson at the University of California, Davis School of Medicine
Christian Lindler, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Week 7
Hello again! This week was by far the least stressful one so far, but was still productive.