Carmen Puentes, Electrical Circuit Interpretation of Cardiac Arrhythmia and C++ code, Last Week
This was my first and last week working with Dr. Colleen Clancy, Ph.D. Candidates Gonzalo Hernandez, John Dawson, and Adam Rose and Ph.D. student Brightany Li at the University of California, Davis School of Medicine.
Zachary Vincent-Oral History with History Colorado-Week 4
My internship is certainly progressing well, as evidenced by the fact that I have officially moved on to the next stage of the project: researching individuals with direct ties to the the sugar beet industry in Western Colorado.
Emma Berwanger: Wilderness First Responder Course
Hi all! My name is Emma and I am an upcoming senior at Ridgway High School. I am fortune enough to also be going on an internship…
Kenya Escarcega Wilderness First Responder
Unfortunately my internship at the George Lab in La Jolla was delayed so Pinhead arranged for me to take a wilderness first responder course.
Seyde Delgado-Collaborative to Combat the Illegal Turtle Trade Internship-Week 7
This was the 7th week of my online internship with the Collaborative to Combat the Illegal Turtle Trade (CCITT).
Carli Tirone: Marine Science Center on Tybee Island Georgia, week three
This is my final week of my marine science internship. The last three weeks have been enlightening.
Jamling Sherpa, Wilderness First Responder Course
I’m Jam, a soon to be senior at Ridgway High School. The Wilderness First Responder course (WFR) was an incredible experience, teaching all of us essential skills and knowledge one would have when out and about in the outdoors.
Christian Lindler, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Week 9
Hello! This week I continued to learn about PyQt, a module in Python that makes it possible to create graphical user interfaces.
Eliram Reyes-Powell, Representing Current-Voltage Relationships of Time-Dependent Potassium Current Using C++| Week 6
Welcome to the LAST blog of my computational biology internship experience at University of California, Davis, School of Medicine!
Anaya Martinez: Environmental Engineering- Week 7
This weeks focus was on coding, so my research group could be prepared for Noah’s academic conference presentation.
Caitlin Ogoe – LASP Coding Training – Week 9
I started off week 9 with a presentation. I chose to present long the history of GPUs, which was quite an interesting topic to research, but an admittedly hard topic to make interesting.
Kelly Stellmacher, Computer Programming to Plot Cardiac Currents, Week 6
And so comes to an end one of the greatest academic experiences of my life thus far.