Philip Brooks, Addiction Neuroscience, The George Lab UCSD, Week 4
Monday: I continued my work with the cocaine rats and was given a few more responsibilities, including flushing and priming. Because a few of the rats have died due to illnesses, we have been taking extra precautions to eliminate possible threats, one being flushing, which runs ethanol through the tubes connecting the liquid cocaine to […]
Garrett Shelley – MIX Center Week 6
I’m done! The sixth and final week of my internship has been devoted mostly to working on my own game and working with the staff in the Fab Lab to use the 3D printers and work on a project I’ve wanted to do for years. Starting on Monday, I figured there weren’t going to be […]
Liam Intemann, Astrophysics at LASP, Week 3
After an eventful three-week break back home working, I have returned to resume my astrophysics internship with LASP at CU Boulder. Starting off, the first thing my mentor said was, “Let’s go light things on fire.” He and some other undergraduate students were working on an antenna for SPRITE (A CubeSat set to observe star […]
Pinhead Intern Blogs, Patty Minnehan, Week 4
After a break where I was able to visit my family and celebrate the Fourth of July with my friends I have returned to Boulder for the remainder of my internship. I went back to work on Monday and worked through Friday. This week I was introduced to my big project: analyzing data from galaxy […]
Catcher Latta, Frazier Rehabilitation Institute, NeuroRecovery, Week 3
Week three is already over! This week is the half way point in my summer internship in Kentucky. I have learned so much! I am really excited to see what new opportunities there will be in the next three weeks. This week was awesome for a couple of reasons. On Monday, I was the […]
Jerry Sharpe, Computational Biology, Brown University, Week 5
This week I started working with anti-body staining. I took two poly di-lysine slides (sample sticks better if coated), segmented tissue, fixed and washed it as I had done with all my previous samples in the weeks earlier. Then I treated it with two 5 minute washes in a 0.1% chemical solution of tween in […]
Bjorn Cristol, Civil and Material Engineering, Week 6
This week was very wonderful. I started writing up a paper on data collected using the permeameter I built which is going to be a nice way to wrap up this internship. On top of that, I did a lot of work on the code analyzing the Guternberg – Richter relationship for both real and […]
Paige Sharp, Public Health with the Rodham Institute at Georgetown University, Week 4
This was my fourth week interning at the Rodham Institute in public health with Georgetown University. I had the opportunity to intern with Senator Paul Strauss and his law office this week. It was great to see how a law office ran, and be able to help out with some of the cases they had […]
Siena Parr, Neuroscience, Scripps Research (Week #4)
Hello, welcome back to my blog! If you haven’t been following along, my name is Siena Parr and I have just finished my fourth week interning through Scripps Research at the Dorris Neuroscience Center. Last week was a short week due to the holiday but my fellow intern/ roommate Katie and I were back to […]
Samantha Abate – Marine Biology at UCSB, Week 2
Hello! If you’re new here, my name is Samantha Abate and I’m interning at UC Santa Barbara for Marine Biology. Last week was a bit slow, but this week, we were able to get a start on what we will be working on throughout our time here. We have now been introduced to the study […]
Emma Galleger- Marine Biology at Miller Lab at UCSB
Hi everyone, this week was full of clams and field trips that i cant wait to share! On Monday my roommate Sam and I had the day off so we watched a lot of shark documentaries. That night I fried up some marinated tofu and that was super good. Tuesday the real work started and […]
Andrew Kistler, M3 Robotics Lab, Week 6
Hello everyone, my name is Andrew Kistler, and I am spending my summer in Golden Colorado at Colorado School of Mines. For the next seven weeks, I will be working in the M3 Robotics lab with Dr. Andrew Petruska as well as some graduate and undergraduate students. This week we still continued to have issues […]