Lulu Pumayalli, Marine Biology at CMIL, Week 3
Greetings, my name is Lulu Pumayalli and I am interning at the Coastal Marine Institute Laboratory (CMIL) in San Diego, California. In my previous blog, I talked about how I am going to be working with a type of algae called Ulva Lactuca or Sea Lettuce and studying how it absorbs anthropogenic pollutants from aquatic […]
Didi EarthTree, Marine Biology at CMIL, Week 3
Didi EarthTree, Marine Biology at CMIL, Week 3 Hello, my name is Didi and my internship is at the CMIL Marine Biology lab. I am working with lobsters and microorganisms. This week I learned more about how to handle lobsters, and how to dissect urchins. This week started off with cleaning the urchin and lobster […]
Francesca Schillaci: Rodham Institute, Week 2
My second week at Rodham has been good! If you missed my last blog, the the Rodham Institute is housed within the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington D.C. The Rodham Institute strives for health equity in the D.C. area. I started off my week with an intern meeting with […]
Tessa Bailey, Environmental Engineering and Geoscience at the U of Utah, Week 1
Hi! My name is Tessa Bailey and I am a 2021 Pintern from Montrose, Colorado. I will be working at the University of Utah with members of the Environmental Engineering Department and the Energy and Geoscience Institute. I started the week on Monday getting introduced to my mentors and getting a tour of our office […]
Chris Pohorecki – Week 4 – OSU Aerospace Engineering Internship
Hello again! My name is Christopher Pohorecki and this is a recap of my fourth week at my OSU Aerospace Engineering internship! As you may know from my previous posts, our group has been tasked with creating a bi-copter capable of VTOL flight and horizontal flight. Our concept will then be tested against a replica […]
Jadin Scott, Rohwer Lab, Week 2
As I end my second week working at the Rohwer Lab at SDSU, I can finally say that I can drive to and from campus without relying on google maps! In case you missed my first blog, I am from Telluride and I am spending my Pinternship studying the interactions of microbes on coral reefs […]
Logan Stephens, Dept of Chemistry, UH, Houston, TX | Week 2
Hello, my name is Logan Stephens and over the next five weeks, I will be doing my internship in the chemistry department at the University of Houston. This week I mostly spent my time practicing the techniques I will need to use in the future for my project. These include stamping, which is the process […]
Adriana Diaz: Aerospace Engineering Course – Week 3
Welcome back everyone! I am now three weeks into my aerospace engineering internship and for this week I got to introduce Cutler to LASP. Cutler is another Pintern who will also be working with my mentor Dmitry. I highly suggest you check out his blog posts to see how things are going from his perspective […]
Cutler Connaughton, Boulder CO – Week 1
Hi everyone! My name is Cutler Connaughton and I am an intern at CU Boulder through the 2021 Pinhead Internship Program. I am from the small town of Ridgway on the Westen Slope of Colorado. I traveled here to Boulder to intern at LASP or the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. I came to […]
Amelie Sante, Emblematic group, week 2
Hi again, my name is Amelie Sante and I am doing a virtual internship with Emblematic group. For a quick recap, Emblematic group is a digital media company focused on immersive virtual, mixed and augmented reality. I have now finished the second week of my internship where I have continued to get closer with the […]
Sammi Reed-Tybee Island Marine Science Center-Week 1
Hello, my name is Sammi. I am an intern at the Tybee Island Marine Science Center, in Savannah Georgia. I am learning about the marine life that is around the Tybee Island. There are many different sea life. I started working on Wednesday at the science center. I went on a couple camps with my […]