Catcher Latta, Frazier Rehabilitation Institute, NeuroRecovery, Week 4
It is a bizarre feeling to think my first day in Kentucky was only a month ago. This week was the end of my fourth week in Kentucky and it has been an amazing expicence! This week was packed full of life long memories and learning a bunch of new skills. the mojority of Monday […]
Lucas Meridith, Neuromorph Workshop, Week 3
This week was my final week at the Neuromorph Workshop in Telluride, CO. This week wasn’t as lecture heavy as it was work heavy in terms of projects that me and my team needed to finish. One of the projects that I have been primarily working on throughout the course of the workshop is a […]
Andrew Kistler, M3 Robotics Lab, Week 7
Hello everyone, my name is Andrew Kistler, and I am spending my summer in Golden Colorado at Colorado School of Mines. For the next seven weeks, I will be working in the M3 Robotics lab with Dr. Andrew Petruska as well as some graduate and undergraduate students. I can’t believe this was my final week. […]
Luka Remec-Organic Chemistry-Engle Lab-Week 5
In the lab this week we started with continuing our substrate scope to find the most effective compound in our reactions. On Monday we ran three more heat plate reactions. These reactions take around 3 hours to complete, two hours for on the plate and about an hour weighing the reactants out and generally setting […]
Ian Snapp: San Diego, California | Neuroscience at the Scripp’s DNC | Week 5
Hello, my name is Ian Snapp, and this is the fifth week of my neuroscience internship at the Scripps DNC. To recap, I am working under the Ye lab, studying metabolism within the nervous system. This research requires a focus on an incredibly minute scale, involving molecular biology and biochemistry manipulating DNA to change metabolic […]
Bjorn Cristol, Civil and Material Engineering at The University of Utah, Week 7
This was the final week of my internship and I was able to wrap everything up quite nicely. I finished writing up a paper about our findings with permeability as well as finishing up a coding project about the Gutenberg – Richter relationship. Working alongside Luca and Sophia, the other high school interns, has been […]
Siena Parr, Neuroscience, Scripps Research (Week #5)
Hello everyone, I just completed my second to last week interning in the Jin Lab at Scripps Research in neuroscience. This week has gone by unbelievably fast and I can’t believe I’m almost done. It’s hard to believe that by this time next week, I’ll be on my way home. There wasn’t much to do […]
Merrilee Gallagher-Outlaw Equine Hospital(Week 1)
Hello everyone! My name is Merrilee Gallagher, and I’m excited to share that this summer, I have an incredible opportunity to intern at Outlaw Equine Hospital and Rehabilitation Center. Outlaw Equine and Rehab Center is renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and expert team dedicated to the health and well-being of horses. Outlaw is located in […]
Ava Silverberg, Entomology Research with the Brosi Lab at RMBL, Week 2 & 3
Hello again!! Unfortunately, Cheska and I suddenly became very sick on Tuesday of last week and decided, for the safety of everyone, it would be best to stay home. And after a visit to urgent care on Thursday, it turns out we both contracted Covid-19! So week two of my internship was unexpectedly dedicated to […]
Katie Pumayalli, Neuroscience at Ye Lab, Scripps Research Institute (Week 5)
Hello, my name is Katie Pumayalli and I just finished the fifth week of my six-week internship at the Ye Lab at Scripps Institute in San Diego, California. I have been working with my amazing mentors Cailynn Wang and Zhengyuan (Ben) Pang. I started my mentorship on Monday, June 17th, and fell in love with […]
Reeve Johnson_Using AI tools to predict stock prices: week 3, web hook reading challenges
Week 3 was focused on applying basic Python code to print output to the terminal. I employed Visual Studios to create the Python code that would print a simple message when the webhook was hit. Originally, this step should have been very straightforward. All I should have needed to do was write out a couple […]
Lucas Meridith, Neuromorph Workshop, Week 2
This week has been intensive in terms of work and study. During the course of my second week at the neuromoph workshop in Telluride, CO, I have joined a project group that involves both game design and neuromorphic recordings from the brain. Here’s the project: The project is a mountain biking game that aims to […]