River Randolph Astrophysics Internship at LASP Week 1
Hi, I am River Randolph from Ridgway, Colorado who was given the opportunity to experience a future job option. This week was very basic. I met with my instructor Dmitry Vorobiev, a scientist at the Astrophysics laboratory in LASP, who showed me around, teaching me about the current and past projects they have worked on. […]
Ava Osborne Luxembourg Asteroid Day Week One
Hi, my name is Ava Osborne and I am in the small country of Luxembourg to intern for Asteroid Day. Asteroid Day is June 30th and it’s a day to bring awareness to all nations about the dangers and measures that should be taken in case of an asteroid hitting earth. I arrived here on […]
Karla Camacho, Tribeca Film Festival, Week 2
Hello every one, here is a recap of what I have done during my second and final week here at the Tribeca Film Festival. Last Sunday, after a few hours of doing the work like last week I helped hand out informational papers for the new center for narrative and emerging media in L.A. that […]
Owen Doyle, Architectural Engineering, Week 2
Hey my name is Owen Doyle, and I am interning at an architectural engineering firm called ME&E in Durango Colorado. This week I started on a new school and got to do multiple field visits to verify structures of fan coils we are replacing. It was very intriguing to take notes and actually map out […]
Haley Brackett- surgery in israel- week 1
I saw open heart surgery today! I thought I would open by talking about this fantastic experience, I got to stand at the head of the patient so close I could feel the heat of the cautery on my face. The surgeon started by cutting a hole in the patient’s chest so he could attach […]
Electrochemistry internship at University of Houston
I’m Benjamin Leu, and I’m spending my summer at the University of Houston, in Houston Texas where I use electrochemistry and cyclic voltammetry to calculate for the real surface area of different metals. The fist week here I got to meet many different professors and see what they where researching. I have had a very […]
Evan Strand | Scripps Neuroscience Lab | Week 1
Hey, I’m Evan, and my internship is with the Scripps Research Institute. I’m working with the Ye Lab who focus on studying metabolism at the Dorris Neuroscience Center or DNC for short. Every Monday morning, there is a meeting with everyone in the lab where everyone talks about what they did over the past week […]
Jennifer Gutierrez| University of Utah| Environmental Engineering & Geoscience| Week 1
Hello! My name is Jennifer Gutierrez, I am a 2022 Pintern from Montrose, Colorado. This summer I am interning at the University of Utah with the department of Environmental Engineering and the Energy and Geoscience Institute. I arrived in Salt Lake City, Sunday, June 5th. The next day I headed over to the Energy and […]
Alise Hardie – Colorado School of Mines – Week 1
Hi, I’m Alise Hardie. I’m a pintern who attends Montrose High School in Montrose, Colorado. I will be interning at Colorado School of Mines, along with Farrar Desloge. At Mines we are working for Professor Andrew Petruska who is a mechanical engineer and his undergraduate and graduate students. While we are working together Farrar and I […]
Karis Varner-Scripps Neuroscience center
I’m Karis Varner and I am spending my summer in San Diego California at the Harold L. Doris Neuroscience center thank from the help from the Pinhead Institute for getting me this internship and the housing that came with it. My first week here has been awesome, we did a mouse dissection and then took […]
Natalie Hernandez | Week 1 | University of Huston Electrochemistry Lab
Hello everyone, my name is Natalie Hernandez and I have been fortunate enough to receive the amazing opportunity of interning at the University of Houston in the Chemistry department. I am in professor Balledelis lab studying electrochemistry. This summer I am planning to spend time in a hands-on lab studying deeper elements of electrochemistry […]
Brianna Stone| Frazier Institute, Spinal Rehabilitation| Week 1
Hello! I am Brianna Stone and I’m a pintern who attends Montrose High School in Montrose, Colorado. This summer I have been provided the opportunity to experience an internship in Louisville, Kentucky at the Frazier Rehabilitation and Neuroscience Center. So far, my internship has included taking part in research studies and physical therapy sessions focused […]