Taylor LaRose | Marine Biology at UCSB| Week 1

Hello everyone! My name is Taylor LaRose and this was my first week at my internship at the UC Santa Barbara. I started later in the week as I arrived Tuesday and took the day to get ready. I met my roommate and fellow intern Amiyah Ogo and explored the area around the apartment. Wednesday […]


Farrar Desloge – CSM – Week 3

Hi all, My name is Farrar, and I am working at the School of Mines in Golden. I am working under Dr. Petruska, a professor of engineering at Mines. I am working with him and one of his PhD students, Rich, on a few projects in the robotics lab. The main project I am working […]


Taylor Holmes-University of Utah-Environmental Engineering and the Energy and Geoscience-Week 2

Hello again, it’s Taylor Holmes at the University of Utah with the Department of Environmental Engineering and Energy and Geoscience. This week started much slower than last week, but we got the opportunity to head down to the library to look at 3D printing. One of the people working with 3D printing was kind enough […]


Graham Soukup AstroPhysics and Week 2

On my second week of my pinternship I continued troubleshooting the Modix 3-d Printer at LASP(Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics) with my fellow intern River.  We worked all week on the printer with highs and lows, we couldn’t figure out how to configure the Probe that identifies how far the bed is from the […]


Amiyah Ogo | REEF, Santa Barbara | Week 1

Hello all, my name is Amiyah Ogo and I attend school at Montezuma-Cortez High School and I am studying Marine Biology at the “REEF” at the University Of California Santa Barbara (UCSB).  This week was my first week here at the REEF. I’ll explain what REEF stands for later in the blog.  This week wasn’t […]


Keegan Heaton | Aerospace Machinist | Week III

This week I started out by making a DAC board for collecting data. These circuit boards have elevation instruments and upload data on memory cards. I had to solder all of these parts onto a UNO board, the base of the DAC, and ensure my soldering was clean and uniform. If the soldered prongs touched […]


Alise Hardie – Colorado School of Mines – Week 3

Hi, I’m Alise Hardie, an intern working with Dr.Petruska, a mechanical engineering professor at Colorado School of Mines. Where Farrar and I work in his lab on different graduate students projects. I’ve been working with Austin for the past 3 weeks now at Mines. We have started a new file or page of code which […]


Ava Osborne, Asteroid Day, Luxembourg – Week 2

Hi, my name is Ava Osborne and I am interning at Asteroid Day in the small country of Luxembourg.  This week was mainly preparing for the upcoming events.   I wrote a lot of posts for the social media to get everyone who follows Asteroid Day excited.  I also wrote a newsletter that will go out […]


Yaphet Reyes Powell – University of California, San Diego, Nanoengineering and Electrochemistry- Week 1

Hello, my name is Yaphet, and I’m interning at UCSD in a program named ENLACE; this program is created to make high school students from Mexico and the US feel a college experience while getting out of their comfort zone doing internships in many  STEM areas. Well, the leader of the lab is Dr. Zheng […]


Electrochemistry internship at University of Houston week 2

In my lab I am taking microscopic slides and turning them into thin films of silver (1 to 100 nm thick) using a evaporator to evenly distribute the silver onto the surface of the films. Then I will be measuring them with an ellipsometer to determine there actually thickness in nm. This first week I […]


Evan Strand | Scripps Neuroscience Lab | Week 2

Quick recap, my name is Evan Strand and I’m interning at Scripps Research Institute researching the neuroscience of metabolism. This week felt both very repetitive and completely new. It started with a presentation for from Dr. Ya-chieh Hsu, a professor at Harvard University, talking about her experiment on testing the cause of grey hair and […]


Taylor Holmes-University of Utah-Environmental Engineering and the Energy and Geoscience-Week 1

Hello everyone, I’m Taylor Holmes. I’m a Pintern from Telluride, Colorado. I’m spending several weeks this summer at the University of Utah in Salt Lake, interning with the Department of Environmental Engineering and Energy and Geoscience. When I started working Monday, we went into “The Cave” to visit the PICARRO, which is a gas detector […]

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