Brianna Stone| Frazier Institute, Spinal Rehabilitation| Week 4
Hello! I just finished my fourth week interning at the Frazier Rehabilitation Institute. Fortunately, last week I was able to go back after my quarantine and dive right into working with patients and learning more about spinal cord recovery. I participated in a neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) session, and I was introduced to a new […]
Graham Soukup Astrophysics Week 3
On My third week of my Internship at LASP (laboratory for Atmospheric and Space physics) My fellow Intern River Randolph and I continued to work on the Modix. 3-d Printer. With our Mentors help we were able to figure out how to properly deploy the probe to continue the z-offset calibrations before we could […]
Taylor LaRose| Week 2| UCSB Marine Biology
Hello Everyone! If you haven’t been following my posts my name is Taylor Larose and I am studying Marine Biology in Santa Barbara! This week was the same as last. I went over images searching for any boring clams. Boring clams are a type of clam that dig into rock. Monday I spent all day […]
Taylor Holmes-University of Utah-Environmental Engineering and the Energy and Geoscience-Week 3
Greetings, everyone; I’m Taylor Holmes doing an internship at the University of Utah. I’m working in the Department of Environmental Engineering and Energy and Geoscience. Due to some issues with the Picarro I talked about last week, we had to change our focus a little for this week. While we were waiting for an expert […]
Farrar Desloge – CSM – Week 4
Hi All, I am currently working with Dr. Petruska in his robotics lab at Mines First off, I’d like to say thanks to everyone who has helped me get this opportunity; the Turners, Sarah, Pinhead, my parents and step-parents, Dr. Petruska, and more. This is an amazing opportunity, especially for a high schooler. This week, […]
Keegan Heaton | Aerospace Machinist | Week IV
This week began with nothing on Monday and Tuesday. On both days, we were waiting for the maintenance crews to polish the floors. We had to put everything on the tables Friday of last week and wait for them before we could resume preparing for the next semester. We spent a lot of the time […]
Alise Hardie – Colorado School of Mines – Week 4
Hi, I’m Alise Hardie, an intern working at Colorado School of Mines. I’ve been working with Austin, a graduate student under Dr. Petruska. Dr.Petruska is a mechanical engineering professor. We finished up making the graph for performance vs. the window size. The performance of how the data is most accurately collected for the window size […]
Beck Gilliland, Marine Biology, Week 4
Hey everyone, Beck here back with another update from Santa Barbara. This week I continued to look at photos and tagging clams as data for the project. I have also continued spending time enjoying the beaches out here and the amazing sunsets as well as doing some running. I will keep you all updated as […]
Karis Varner-Neuroscience week 4
Hi im Karis Varner interning at Harold L. Dorris Neuroscience Center and so far its been a great week, only two weeks left of my internship. I was asked by two other people to start working with them and i’m excited for that, trying a different side of an experiment and lab and thursday I […]
Electrochemistry internship at University of Houston Week 4
This week I’ve been using the evaporator to create silver films of 100 to 5 nanometers in increments of 10. My latest slide is 40 nm, it takes about five hours to create one slide. The pumps take a long time to pump out all the air to create a vacuum. I’ve also been using […]
Amiyah Ogo | REEF, Santa Barbara | Week 2
Hello all again! This is Amiyah Ogo from Cortez Colorado. I attend Montezuma-Cortez High School, and I am interning at the REEF at UCSB (The University of California, Santa Barbra) to explore my interest in Marine Biology. For those who don’t know “REEF” stands for Research Experience and Education Facility. This week is my second […]
Yaphet Reyes Powell – University of California, San Diego, Nanoengineering and Chemical Engineering- Week 2
On Monday we started with an 8:00 am seminar about gun violence with an attorney, then I and my lab partner Arthur went to the lab together on scooters. When we arrived at the lab our mentor told us that everything we did last week wasn’t useful since the solution wasn’t homogenous when set in […]