River Randolph Astrophysics Internship at LASP Week 4
I started this week without much to do, since the nozzle for the 3d printer won’t come in until next week, so not much progress was made with the 3d printer throughout the week. Instead of working on the printer gram and I worked on this metal piece that will be going into space for […]
Alise Hardie – Colorado School of Mines – Week 5
Hi, I’m Alise Hardie, an intern working with Dr.Petruska, a mechanical engineering professor at Colorado School of Mines. Where Farrar and I work in his lab on different graduate students projects. I’ve been working with Austin for the past 4 weeks now at Mines. We are creating command line arguments in our code to run […]
Graham Soukup Astrophsics Week 4
This week I went back to telluride to spend some time with my family and friends for the fourth of July. I came back to Boulder on the 6th and got back to work with River at LASP. On thursday and friday we didn’t do much because we were waiting for parts of our 3-D […]
Yaphet Reyes Powell – University of California, San Diego, Nanoengineering and Electro chemestry- Week 3
Hello, This week has been really confusing since some activities cut me out of my regular lab schedule, however, my mentor Taehee has gotten more comfortable with leaving me, and my lab partner Arthur alone at the lab using all of the tools and making different solutions, something that I am really happy about, as […]
Owen Doyle, Architectural Engineering, Week 5
Hey, I’m Owen Doyle and I’m interning at an architectural engineering firm called ME&E in Durango Colorado. This week was filled with a lot of studying. I developed a more complex understanding of the electrical systems in buildings through field visits and the help of my mentor. We looked at grounding, voltage, watts, resistance, and […]
Olivia Hatcher – Biochemistry – Week 3
This week was very fun. I started off with some data analysis, where I graphed some data from last week, along with the different concentrations of NATA, L-Trip and Indole. This was interesting because I found that the pH of the solution does not greatly affect the epsilon, or the absorption The calculated epsilon (part […]
Evan Strand | Scripps Neuroscience Lab | Week 4
Hey, I’m Evan Strand and I’m interning at the Dorris Neuroscience Lab with Scripps Research. The lab that I’m working with is focusing on how changes in the brain effect the animal’s metabolism. If you haven’t seen last, I was talking about how I was doing GTTs and ITTs. Turns out, I only did GTTs […]
Natalie Hernandez | Week 4 | University of Houston Internship
This week has been very enlightening. I feel as if this week has been as close to what a real research experience is. I have had a lot of failed attempts and a lot of successful attempts. Monday professor Baldelli reviewed my images and said they were pretty solid, but the resolution wasn’t ideal. […]
Canyon Ishikawa, Organic Chemistry at Scripps Research Institute, Week 3
This week I met with surprise when I came in on Monday and was told that Johnny had gotten sick over the weekend. This meant that I’d continue my shadowing of Skylar for the entirety of this week, too. Overall though, it was another super interesting week full of learning and more hands-on experience. On […]
River Randolph Astrophysics Internship at LASP Week 3
This week I started off trying to fix the previous issues Graham and I had created during the previous weeks. The first 2 days Graham was unable to come into work because of a personal issue, so I was working by myself Monday and Tuesday. I spent the days exploring the code and fixes issues […]
Ava Osborne, Asteroid Day, Luxembourg, Week 3
Hi it’s Ava again. This week was the most exciting week yet. Asteroid Day finally came! On June 30th I woke up very early to start preparing for the day. My main job was a “speaker wrangler” so whenever a speaker came down into the venue I looked at their name on a checklist that […]
Sacha Keenan, Frazier Institute – Week 1
Hi my name is Sacha Keenan and this has been my first week both as a pintern and at the Frazier Institute for spinal cord rehabilitation. This week I began my work with my mentor Enrico who is a post doc working with spinal cord injury patients to increase the amount of activity in their […]