River Randolph Astrophysics Internship at LASP Week 6
This week was supposed to be my last week but I decided to stay one more since I was having so much fun, so next week will be my last. I started this week by fixing the fans on the 3d printer to keep it from overheating since they had never worked during my time. […]
Taylor LaRose | Week 5 | Marine Biology at UCSB
Hello Everyone! This was my second to last week here in Santa Barbara. If you haven’t been following along my internship is going through transect images and identifying species, more specifically, Boring clams (clams that bore into rock). Monday I spent all day identifying these clams. Throughout the images I also was able to identify […]
John Pumayalli, App Development, Week 3
This week was much more “hands-on” in terms of development. It was time to take the application to the next step and start building a User Interface prototype. At first, it was a matter of getting used to the React Native, an open-source UI software framework. I had done previous work with React Native, but […]
Sacha Keenan – Frazier Rehab Institute Week 4
For those who have been following along this was week 4 of my internship here in Kentucky. This week I was able to finally finish going over the wavelength frequencies of lil of my dats and I think it would be perfectly happy if I didn’t have to look at one for a while. This […]
Micah Hoffman – OSU Aerospace Engineering – Week 1
Hello, my name is Micah Hoffman and I am from Cortez, Colorado and for my Pinternship I was sent to Oklahoma State University (OSU) to work in an Aerospace Lab with a fellow Pintern, Logan Files. The Lab that I am working in is called the Excelsior Unmanned Systems Research Laboratory and I am working […]
Jennifer Gutierrez| University of Utah| Environmental Engineering & Geoscience| Week 5
Hello! My name is Jennifer Gutierrez, this is my 5th week interning remotely for the University of Utah where we focus on environmental engineering. I am currently working with a grad student named Aileen Zebrowski. Focusing on the Roosevelt Hot Springs I get to read many research articles and stay updated on the fieldwork that […]
Logan Files-OSU Aerospace engineering-week1
Hello, my name is Logan Files and for my internship I was sent to Stillwater, Oklahoma to study aerospace engineering at Oklahoma State University. I am rooming with another pintern, Micah Hoffman, at an apartment near the campus. Our fist day at the lab, we joined with other high school interns and made a thin […]
Andrea Peralta-Villa, Criminology, Week 2
It’s my second week on the internship, yet I have started to grow accustomed to the workload, and I have begun to understand the criminal cases a lot more than when I originally started. Every time I use Bloomberg Law, I make sure to pull up a google document to write down patterns that I […]
Emily Grace Raphael ⎮ Small & Large Animal Veterinary Medicine in Plainfield, New Hampshire ⎮ Week One
Hello, my name is Emily Grace Raphael and for my internship I was sent to Plainfield, New Hampshire to study small and large animal veterinary medicine at Riverbend Veterinary Clinic. I am housed by Kate Whybrow, the owner of Riverbend and a large and small animal DVM. At the house, there is a farm with […]
Yaphet Reyes Powell – University of California, San Diego, Nano engineering – Week 5
Week 5 has been way freer than previous weeks, this week was the last week with college prep seminars meaning that we are free of homework for the last 2 weeks. Furthermore, in the lab, Arthur and I were left freely around getting assigned tasks by Taehee and doing them with the previous knowledge gained, […]
Graham Soukup Astrophysics Week 6
For my Sixth week at LASP River and I kept working on the 3-d Printer all week long, we finally got the 3-d printer to work on my last day at LASP and began printing a module for SPRITE as seen below. While working on the 3-D printer I finished cleaning the screws, washers, and […]
Madison Shubert Planetary Geology – Fort Lewis College (Week 2)
Hello all, I am Madison Shubert, and I am interning at Fort Lewis College in Durango for Planetary Geology. On Monday, July 18th I went on a field trip to a trail that wraps around Fort Lewis Campus, Carbon hills trail, and Haviland lake to go and observe different rock formations and geological formations around […]