The knee mill with the Part Fixtured

TJ Neumann, CU Boulder Aerospace Machine Shop, Week 2

This was an exciting week for me in the shop. I made a lot of progress on several different projects. My first task this week was to continue work on building the test bed for the rocket motor for my mentor’s Intro to Rocketry class. The bed is built out of steel unistrut, which I […]


Ashlee Petranovich- Clinical and School Psychology Internship (Murray State University) Week Two

Hello everyone! I hope that my blog post finds you well. My name is Ashlee Petranovich and I am currently in Murray, Kentucky attending Murray State University. While I am here on my internship I will be collaborating with four different programs that are focused on mental health, school safety, school psychology, and psychological assessments. […]


Loudon Doemland, Astrophysics(CU Boulder), Week 1

Hello everyone! My name is Loudon Doemland and I am a 2023 Pintern from Telluride, Colorado. Last weekend, I made the  7 hour drive up from my hometown to start my internship. When arriving to Boulder, I met up with a fellow Pintern/roommate, Baen Tougher, and began the process of settling into our house. For […]


Baen Tougher, Astro Physics and Astronomy Week One

I am Baen Tougher and I am spending my summer in Boulder Colorado, at The Center for Aerospace and Astronomy. I will be working with The Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics for the next 6 weeks. There I will be working with another Pintern, Loudon Demlond. For our internship, we will be working under […]


Tiffany Wu, Chemistry at the University of Houston, Week 1

I’m Tiffany Wu, and I’m spending my summer in Texas at the University of Houston studying chemistry. I have been given the incredible opportunity to work with Professor Baldelli and his lab group researching electrochemistry.   For my project, I am working with Saida Holder, another Pinhead intern, and one of the other interns from […]


Saida Holder, Chemistry at the University of Houston Week 1

Hello! My name is Saida Holder, and I will be attending the University of Houston for the next six weeks! I attend Olathe High School in Olathe, Colorado, and flying all the way out to another state (a city at that) is incredibly exciting! After being in a rural area my whole life, a big […]


Rose Kirk-Landry, UUtah Environmental Engineering, Week 1

My name is Rose Kirk-Landry and I am interning in environmental engineering at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. During the next six weeks, I will be working on building and programming atmospheric carbon dioxide sensors with an intern from another program, some undergraduate students, and our mentors. I started the week with […]


TJ Neumann, CU Boulder Aerospace Machine Shop, Week 1

I’m TJ Neumann, and this summer, I am working in the CU Boulder Aerospace Machine Shop, where I am learning from several expert machinists on how to fabricate, design, and build advanced parts. I am learning how to use many different machines, including, but not limited to, a knee mill, a 3-axis CNC (computer numerical […]


Ashlee Petranovich- Clinical and School Psychology Internship (Murray State University) Week One

Hello everyone! I hope that my blog post finds you well. My name is Ashlee Petranovich and I am currently in Murray, Kentucky attending Murray State University. While I am here on my internship I will be collaborating with four different programs that are focused on mental health, school safety, school psychology, and psychological assessments. […]


Haley Brackett- surgery in israel- week 6

This week I learned how to read an x-ray. I can identify each organ. I learned the difference between an x-ray, ct, and many different tests. I learned about what chemo is and how to do patient exams. I saw an orthopedic surgery where they had to sew wire through the bone to close it. […]


Haley Brackett- surgery in israel- week 5

This week I got a taste for different specialties like general. I saw two hernia repairs one endoscopic and one open. A closed procedure is sometimes preferable but it depends on the severity of the tear. The open hernia repair was much worse it had way more tears and they removed the entire lining and […]


Haley Brackett- surgery in israel- week 4

This week was very informative. I learned a lot, like how to read a Coronary angiogram. This is where a catheter is inserted into a major artery and threaded through the vessels to the heart. A dye is inserted and x-ray machines can see the flow of the heart. I was able to see a […]

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