Natalie Lopez Ramirez, Metabolism at the Ye Lab, Week 3

Hi everyone, I am Natalie Lopez Ramirez and this is week 3 of studying metabolism at the Ye Lab at Scripps. Monday morning we had our weekly team meeting. An international undergrad intern from the lab, Malcom, presented about the Calcium Dependency of p-PDH Dephosphorylation in Inhibition-Activation Protocol. After the presentation, we gave our updates to Li, […]


Aubrielle Weaver, Microbiology at San Diego State University, Week 2

I am Aubrielle Weaver, spending my summer in San Diego, California, at San Diego State University (SDSU). For the next six weeks, I will be studying microbiology. My mentor is Gregory Burkeen, who is a Ph.D. student at SDSU. This is week 2 of my internship. As soon as I came in on Monday, I […]


Natalie Trask, Spinal Cord Injury Research at the Fraizer Rehab Facility in Louisville Kentucky, Week Three

Hi everybody! This is week three of my internship at the Fraizer Rehab Facility in Louisville Kentucky. This week I read many more case studies discussing the importance of central pattern generators in the body.  There are two central pattern generators in the human body, one is called the cervical enlargement, and the other is […]


Brooke Duncan: Software Development with Agile Onboarding, Week 3

To those who have read the past two week’s blogs, welcome back! And to those who are new here, welcome! My name is Brooke Duncan and I am doing a software development/engineering internship with Agile Onboarding here in Telluride, CO. It will come as no surprise to most of you that this week has been […]


Tiffany Wu, Chemistry at the University of Houston, Week Four

I’m Tiffany Wu, and this is my fourth week at the University of Houston working on my project about ellipsometry under the guidance of my mentor, Professor Baldelli. This week, I collected more data using the proper calibrations, built a replacement part for the machine, and worked on the quarter wave plate mechanism that I […]


Saida Holder, Chemistry at the University of Houston Week 4

My fourth week at the University of Houston went by so quickly! I never expected this internship to fly by as it has, and as each week goes by, I learn an incredible amount. This week, specifically on Monday, I had expected to promptly start my dipping process with our new “thermostatic oven” (styrofoam insulator), […]


TJ Neumann, CU Boulder Aerospace Machine Shop, Week 4

This week was exciting! I began the creation of my yoyo in earnest. I learned how to create Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) programs. This allowed me to use the large, 3-axis Fryer milling machines to begin machining my yoyos. I learned how to choose the correct tool, speed, and feed for a given operation, and […]


Baen Tougher, Astro Physics and Astronomy, Week Three

This has been my third week of studying Astro Physics at LASP. This past week Loudon and I finished our CAD model of the Flat-sat. After making our modal we went to the machine shop to drill the holes. We made the holes using a mill, that measured out each hole within a 1000th of […]


Loudon Doemland, Astrophysics(CU Boulder), Week 3

Hello everyone! This week of my internship was probably the most exciting week yet. I got to watch our Flat-sat satellite project come to life, along with receiving the news that we could begin UV laser engraving the stencil for the satellites. At the beginning of our week(Monday and Tuesday), a major problem occurred in […]


Aubrielle Weaver, Microbiology at San Diego State University, Week 1

I am Aubrielle Weaver, spending my summer in San Diego, California, at San Diego State University (SDSU). For the next six weeks, I will be studying microbiology. My mentor is Gregory Burkeen, who is a Ph.D. student at SDSU. This is week 1 of my internship.  My first day wasn’t until Tuesday, June 20th, because […]


Natalie Lopez Ramirez, Metabolism at the Ye Lab, Week 2

Hello Everyone, I am Natalie Lopez Ramirez and this is week two of studying metabolism at the Ye Lab at Scripps. I had Monday off because of Juneteenth. The other pinterns I am staying with also had the day off, so we spent the day shopping and at the beach. On Tuesday I went straight […]


Lily Vogel, Neurobiology Scripps Research Institute, Week 2

Here’s a quick recap from week one. I am Lily Vogel and I am spending four more weeks in San Diego, California at the Scripps Research Institute studying neurobiology. Last week I was able to get a ton of more hands-on experience! But first on Monday we didn’t have work because it was a holiday: […]

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