Baen Tougher, Astro Physics and Astronomy, Week Four
This past week, Loudon and I began cleaning the flat-sat’s fasteners. We buzzed the bolts and screws in an ultrasonic cleaner to get them clean and not damage the electronics in the flat-sat; when the screws were done we took them out and dried them with nitrogen gas and sealed them in clean bags to […]
Cheska Hrupcin, Entomology Research with the Brosi Lab at RMBL(Crested Butte), Week 1
Hello! My name is Cheska Hrupcin and I am interning with the Brosi Lab (University of Washington) at RMBL (Rocky Moutain Biological Laboratory) in Gothic (Crested Butte), Colorado! This week I worked alongside my mentor, Chris Anderson, (a Harvard grad currently working to get his PhD!), and another grad student to begin data collection. Chris’s […]
Jai Sanchez, the REEF, Week One
I’m Jai Sanchez and I’m spending my summer in Santa Barbara California studying marine and coastal life at UCSB/the REEF. (Research Experience & Education Facility) The REEF is part of MSI’s (Marine Science Institute) education and outreach program. The REEF is dedicated to teaching everyone about coastal, and marine life and how to preserve it. […]
Sophia McNamara, Ecology and Microbes at CU Boulde
Hello everyone! Although my official internship at CU Boulder has not begun, this past week has been pretty busy. Monday through Friday, I spent time with the SunSpears camp at Pinhead headquarters. This was a camp for 6th-9th graders which introduced them to major themes concerning ecology and other Earth sciences. The camp began with […]
Aiden’s aerospace engineering internship week 3
Hello everyone! this is my 3rd week of my internship and is also my half way point. my Sunday and Monday didn’t consist of much excitement, other than some extreme weather. and for those who do not know Oklahoma is right in the middle of it. while still water isn’t in the area tornado alley […]
Rose Kirk-Landry, Environmental Engineering at the University of Utah, Week 4
My name is Rose Kirk-Landry and I am interning in environmental engineering at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. Our team had a bit of a slow week because two of us got sick and the other intern was out of town. There were two main issues that we set out to research […]
TJ Neumann, CU Boulder Machine Shop, Week 5
My last week of my internship was a really great experience! I finished several major projects and learned a lot, even at the end. I finished building the model rocket, and in addition to that, I built an altimeter which works off of air pressure to detect the height of the rocket. When we launched, […]
Giada Amundson, Organic Chemistry at Scripps Research Institute, Week 3
Hello everyone! My name is Giada Amundson and I am doing organic chemistry at Scripps. I have been here for 3 weeks now, and 4 weeks to go. Almost halfway done already! Monday, June 26 I started today by making a larger batch of the same solution, since we got a good product on Friday. […]
Melaina Yender, Neuroscience and Click Chemistry at the Scripps Research Institute (Week Three)
Hello everyone! I am Melaina Yender and this is my third week researching neuroscience and click chemistry at the Ye Lab at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego, California. I have been conducting experiments with my mentors that allow us to trace drug targets in the brain through a process called clearing-assisted tissue click […]
Ashlee Petranovich- Clinical and School Psychology Internship (Murray State University) Week Five
Hello everyone! I hope that my blog post finds you well. My name is Ashlee Petranovich and I am currently in Murray, Kentucky attending Murray State University. While I am here on my internship I will be collaborating with four different programs that are focused on mental health, school safety, school psychology, and psychological assessments. […]
Lily Vogel, Neurobiology Scripps Research Institute, Week 3
Here’s a recap of what’s happened so far. I am Lily Vogel and I am spending my pinhead internship in San Diego, California at the Ye Lab at Scripps Research Insitute learning about neurobiology. I am working under Yu Wang with her two undergrad interns: Saba and Verinia. On Monday I was given a bunch […]
Tahlia Trevino, Marine Biology Research at Marine Science Institute (University of California Santa Barbara), Week Two
Hi everyone, my name is Tahlia Trevino, and this is the second week of my internship at the Miller Lab at UCSB. My internship is studying marine life along the coast of Santa Barbara. Monday, June 26 Today I started my week with what the people in my lab call the TRAITS project, which is […]