Patty Minnehan, Astrophysics at LASP, Week 7
Coming to the end of my internship, I am nothing but grateful for this opportunity and amazed with how much I learned. This has been the best space to explore my interests could ever ask for. That being said, the lab is still plenty busy with lots going on with the assembly cube satellite SPRITE. […]
Samantha Abate – Marine Biology at UCSB, Week 5
Hello and welcome back to California! I’m here in Santa Barbara interning at UCSB for marine biology. I’ve been having an amazing time and it’s hard to believe my internship is almost over! This week I completed a ton of work and got to experience some very inspiring things. On Monday, our mentor Kristen, let […]
Merrilee Gallagher-Outlaw Equine Hospital(Week 3)
My third week consisted of mainly doing outside treatments. This week, three new externs have arrived from Puerto Rico and they have taken off the workload. However, I’m still doing 13-14 hour shifts but that’s ok! I’m glad that we have gotten more people to help care for the horses. These three weeks have honestly […]
Paige Sharp, Public Health with the Rodham Institute at Georgetown University, Week 6(Final week)
This was the last week of my internship this summer. Instead of finishing in DC with the Rodham Institute, Sarah Holbrooke invited me to spend my last week in NYC with her and meet with different people here. I stayed with Sarah in Brooklyn Heights after retrieving my luggage from my apartment in DC on […]
Patty Minnehan, Astrophysics at LASP, Week 6
This week, I made new maps without normalizing or smoothing(adjusting their value for a better image) the pixels of the gases. Each FITS file is composed of multiple fields, and I created the whole map from 19 individual fields . I divided these files against corresponding error maps to generate signal-to-noise maps. By analyzing the […]
Liam Intemann, Astrophysics at LASP, Week 5
As I approach the end of my internship, I have had a very eventful week. Week 5 was a hectic week consisting of more of my project, meetings and lessons involving astrophysics and current updates on SPRITE, testing the deployment for the satellite antenna, the first major assembly of the CubeSat, and outside of the […]
Catcher Latta, Frazier Rehabilitation Institute, NeuroRecovery, Week 5
My second to last week! I am still confused how 5 weeks have already passed and i am approaching the end of my internship! This week was amazing! On monday I had the opportunity to attend an all staff meeting. What was discussed in the meeting was way above my pay grade and did not […]
Ian Snapp: San Diego, California | Neuroscience at the Scripp’s DNC | Final Week
Hello, my name is Ian Snapp, and this is the last week of my neuroscience internship at the Scripps DNC. To recap, I am working under the Ye lab studying metabolism within the nervous system. This research requires a focus on an incredibly minute scale, involving molecular biology and biochemistry manipulating DNA to change metabolic […]
Emma Galleger- Marine Biology at UCSB- Week 4
Hi everyone I have just completed my fourth week here in Santa Barbara and it was amazing once again. On Monday I continued to work on Billy’s camera footage tagging if the clams were feeding or not. Tuesday during lecture taught by Mark Page we learned about estuaries and salt marshes. We looked at […]
Liam Intemann, Astrophysics at LASP, Week 4
This week at LASP, I was finally introduced to my project. This project is working with images of star formations, images that are used to study various characteristics of stars, such as their formation and ionization. This meant I had to process these images using a script I wrote in Python to determine its wavelengths. […]
Samantha Abate – Marine Biology at UCSB, Week 4
Hello and welcome back to Santa Barbara, California! My name is Samantha Abate and I’m interning at UCSB for marine biology this summer. Things have been going wonderfully and I’m so grateful to be here. This week I completed a ton of work for my mentor and saw some of the most beautiful sunsets! On […]
Philip Brooks, Addiction Neuroscience at the George Lab UCSD, Week 6
This is my sixth and final week at the George Lab at UC San Diego. It feels like I’m still just getting started and I can’t believe it is coming so quickly to an end. The week ended up being somewhat uneventful, as our dose-response experiment has come to a close and the long-term experiments […]