Jai Sanchez, The REEF, Week Three
I’m Jai Sanchez and I’m spending my summer in Santa Barbara, California studying marine and coastal life at UCSB/the REEF (Research Experience & Education Facility). The REEF is part of the Marine Science Institute’s (MSI) education and outreach program. The REEF is dedicated to teaching everyone about coastal biology, marine life, and how to preserve […]
Saida Holder Chemistry at the University of Houston Week 6
This week was my last week at the University of Houston. While I feel like my research was cut rather short, I learned a great amount in such a short time span, and if given the opportunity, I would definitely do it again! This week flew by, and I attempted to get as much done […]
Natalie Trask, Spinal Cord Injury Research at the Frazier Rehab Facility in Louisville Kentucky, Week Five
Hi all! This is week five of my internship at the Frazier Rehab Facility in Louisville Kentucky. I am nearing the end of my internship, with only one week left, and if I’m being completely honest, I am a little sad. I have met so many amazing people and experienced so many new things that […]
Lily Vogel, Neurobiology Scripps Research Institute, Week 4
This was my last week in San Diego. I was only there until Tuesday morning, but let me just say what a wonderful experience! I will be forever grateful. Because the 4th of July was on Tuesday I didn’t have to go to work on Monday either. Even though I was fine with working on […]
Kiara Warren, Telluride Neuromorphic Engineering and Cognition Workshop, Week 2
Hello everyone! I had another great week learning with the Neuromorphs and even got to enjoy some 4th of July festivities with them. This week, I continued to participate in the morning lectures and on top of that, I observed and helped set up some experiments. On Monday, I attended lectures about past projects the […]
Brooke Duncan: Software Development with Agile Onboarding, Week 4
And all of a sudden, I have only one week left! Hello and welcome (back) everyone! My name is Brooke Duncan and I am doing a software development/engineering internship with Agile Onboarding here in Telluride, CO. As I am sure is the case for most of you, this past week has been primarily a week […]
Rose Kirk-Landry, Environmental Engineering at the University of Utah, Week 5
My name is Rose Kirk-Landry and I am interning in environmental engineering at the Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. Monday – We spent the morning with Lei (EGI’s data scientist) going over some basics for coding with python. He set us up with VScode and showed us […]
Melaina Yender, Neuroscience and Click Chemistry at the Scripps Research Institute (Week Four)
Hello everyone! I’m Melaina Yender and this is my fourth week researching neuroscience and click chemistry at the Ye Lab at Scripps Research Institute in San Diego, California. I have been conducting research with my mentors on the binding of hallucinogenic drugs in the brain through the process of clearing-assisted tissue click chemistry (CATCH). This […]
Baen Tougher, Astro Physics and Astronomy, Week Five
This past week has been one of the best weeks of my internship. Loudon and I are at the peak of our work and it has been very exciting. We had a late start to the week because our mentor, Dmitry Vorobiev, let us drive back to Telluride for the 4th of July. When we […]
Loudon Doemland, Astrophysics(CU Boulder), Week 5
Hello everyone! My name is Loudon Doemland and I had quite an eventful fifth week. My sympathetic mentor, Dmitry, let Baen and I miss two days of work this week to travel back to telluride to visit friends and family for the fourth of July. Because we missed two days(excluding the day off, being the […]
Jai Sanchez, The REEF, Week Two
I’m Jai Sanchez and I’m spending my summer in Santa Barbara California studying marine and coastal life at UCSB/the REEF. (Research Experience & Education Facility) The REEF is part of the Marine Science Institute’s (MSI) education and outreach program. The REEF is dedicated to teaching everyone about coastal, and marine life and how to preserve […]
Ashlee Petranovich- Clinical and School Psychology Internship (Murray State University) Week Six
Hello everyone! I hope that my blog post finds you well. My name is Ashlee Petranovich and I am currently in Murray, Kentucky attending Murray State University. While I am here on my internship I will be collaborating with four different programs that are focused on mental health, school safety, school psychology, and psychological assessments. […]