Tahlia Trevino, Marine Biology Research at Marine Science Institute (University of California Santa Barbara), Week 6

Hi everyone! My name is Tahlia Trevino, and this was the last week of my internship at the Miller Lab at UCSB. First, I would like to say how thankful I am to PinHead for this great opportunity. As well as a thank you to everyone at the Miller Lab who made my experience there […]


Jai Sanchez, The REEF, Week 4

I’m Jai Sanchez and I’m spending my summer in Santa Barbara, California studying marine and coastal life at UCSB/the REEF (Research Experience & Education Facility). The REEF is part of the Marine Science Institute’s (MSI) education and outreach program. The REEF is dedicated to teaching everyone about coastal biology, marine life, and how to preserve […]


Aiden’s aerospace engineering internship week 6

Hello to everyone reading this! this was my last week of my internship. and although I had a really great time in Oklahoma I’m glad to be going home to my family. and if there was one thing that I miss from still water is the vending machines in the regional air port, that and […]


Melaina Yender, Neuroscience and Click Chemistry at the Scripps Research Institute (Week Six)

Hello everyone! I am Melaina Yender and this is my sixth and final week researching neuroscience and click chemistry at the Ye Lab at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego, California. This has been such an incredible experience and I have taken away an immense amount of knowledge. I am very honored to have […]


Natalie Lopez Ramirez, Metabolism at the Ye Lab, Week 6

Hi everyone, I am Natalie Lopez Ramirez, and this is my last week of studying metabolism at the Ye Lab at Scripps. The six weeks I’ve spent here have flown by! I can’t believe it’s already over. I didn’t go into the lab on Monday. Instead, I went fishing! Our lab had its summer outing […]


Cheska Hrupcin, Entomology Research with the Brosi Lab at RMBL, Week 4

Hi all! So crazy that I only have one week left of this fantastic internship! This week did have some unfortunate bumps in the road but, it was still so great! My mentor (Chris) could not work with us this week so, I got to work with the QNEST team. We spent most days out […]


Hello! I hope everyone is well. This week was pretty uneventful as far as the samples are concerned. They got weighed, watered, and counted as usual. One new thing I witnessed was the use of an autoclave, or a machine that sterilizes materials using high-pressured steam. The lab is required to autoclave old growths before […]


Natalie Trask, Spinal Cord Injury Research at the Frazier Rehab Institute in Louisville Kentucky, Week Six

Hi everybody! This is the sixth and final week of my internship at the Frazier Rehab Institute. This experience has been so amazing. Not only did I gain new information about the spinal cord, I also grew as a person. I feel much more prepared to go to college next year, and I obtained a […]


Aubrielle Weaver, Microbiology at San Diego State University, Week 5

I am Aubrielle Weaver, spending my summer in San Diego, California, at San Diego State University (SDSU). For six weeks I have been studying microbiology. My mentor is Gregory Burkeen, who is a Ph.D. student at SDSU. This is week 5 of my internship. I encourage you to read my previous blogs in order to […]


Tahlia Trevino, Marine Biology Research at Marine Science Institute (University of California Santa Barbara), Week 5

 Hi everyone, my name is Tahlia Trevino, and this is the 5th week of my internship at the Miller Lab at UCSB. Just for a refresher, I am interning for marine biology at the lab, and I work on several different projects, getting to learn about the aspects of being a marine biologist. Monday, July […]


Giada Amundson, Organic Chemistry at Scripps Research Institute, Week 6

Hello everyone! My name is Giada Amundson and I am doing organic chemistry at Scripps. I have been here for 6 weeks. Only 1 week left! I am gonna miss all of the amazing people I have met here! Monday, July 17 I started today by taking our product from Friday and started running a […]


Ashlee Petranovich- Clinical and School Psychology Internship (Murray State University) Week Seven; My Final Week!

Hello everyone! I hope that my blog post finds you well. My name is Ashlee Petranovich and I am currently in Murray, Kentucky attending Murray State University. While I am here on my internship I will be collaborating with four different programs that are focused on mental health, school safety, school psychology, and psychological assessments. […]

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