Mikah Wareham – Outlaw Equine Hospital (Week 2)

My second week at Outlaw Equine was filled with more great experiences! This week consisted of extracting mucus stones from a horse with the strangles disease, changing bandages on abrasions, inserting a catheter into a horse with colic, and much more. This week also helped me realize how much more confident I have become in […]


Liam Intemann, Astrophysics at LASP, Week 1

My name is Liam Intemann, and I am grateful to have been able to intern at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) this summer. I am mentoring under Dmitry Vorobiev, focusing on various aspects of astrophysics and space technology. LASP has many interns, including another Pintern, Patrick Minnehan. On average, my day will […]


Patty Minnehan, Astrophysics at LASP, Week 1

Hello everyone! My name is Patty Minnehan and I was fortunate enough to get my Pinternship at LASP(Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics) at Boulder, Colorado. I started my internship Monday and I work 9:30-5:00 Monday through Friday. I am working with Dmitry Vorobiev as well as a number of other undergraduate and graduate students […]


Joseph Montonati, Physical Chemistry at University of Houston, Week One

My name is Joseph Montonati, and I’ll be spending the next 6 weeks helping Dr. Baldelli and a number of students in their research into physical chemistry at the University of Houston. I’m working specifically with a graduate student named Sarah, who’s researching the properties of metal surfaces. She uses a mixture of spectroscopy, a […]


Garrett Shelley – MIX Center Week 1

Hello all! My name is Garrett, and I’m currently completing my internship at the Media and Immersive eXperience Center in Mesa, Arizona. My time here is divided into two parts. The first is a three-week summer camp with the goal of teaching game development techniques and tools to neurodivergent youth with ASD. This week was […]


Maddison Coca, Physical Chemistry at University of Houston, Week One

Hello everyone! I am Maddison Coca and I am fortunate enough to have a summer internship at the University of Houston, researching physical chemistry with Professor Baldelli and his team of grad students. I am specifically studying microcontact printing, which uses an ink patterned stamp to create chemical reactions between molecules from the ink and […]


Andrew Kistler, M3 Robotics Lab, Week 1

Hello everyone, my name is Andrew Kistler, and I am spending my summer in Golden Colorado at Colorado School of Mines. For the next six weeks, I will be working in the M3 Robotics lab with Dr. Andrew Petruska as well as some graduate and undergraduate students. The lab under a contract with NASA and […]


Bjorn Cristol, Civil and Material Engineering, Week 1

My name is Bjorn Cristol, and I was lucky enough to get an Internship at the University of Utah with Kevin McCormack. We are doing work in the Civil and Material Engineering building, specifically studying carbon sequestration. This internship is in Salt Lake City, UT and so far I have gotten to work on computer […]


Mikah Wareham – Outlaw Equine Hospital (Week 1 Blog)

I am Mikah Wareham and my internship this summer is taking place at Outlaw Equine, which is a medical and rehabilitation facility for high-end horse athletes. Outlaw is located in Decatur, TX, just outside of the Fort Worth and Dallas area. I have been put on the ICU team and will work in this department […]


About Me – Patty Minnehan

Hello, my name is Patrick Minnehan but you can call me Patty. I am a junior at Telluride High School where I am currently enrolled in AP Physics, my favorite class. I hope to pursue a internship in astrophysics this summer as it is a field that interests me greatly. Outside of school I love […]


About Me – Paige Sharp

The biggest regret of my life is that I wasn’t born four weeks earlier. This is because I will turn eighteen just three weeks after the 2024 presidential election, and now I will have to wait four more years to vote in my first election. My name is Paige Sharp, and I am a high […]


All about Kaylynn Quinonez- Montezuma Cortez High School

What solutions can be taken to lower the impact of criminal behavior and reduce the likelihood of repeat offenses? As you think upon this, know that there is not just one right answer. That’s what makes this such an important question in my desired career field. Hi, I’m Kaylynn Quinonez, a self-motivated high school junior […]

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