Garrett Shelley – MIX Center Week 3

This past week has been a total whirlwind. Everyone has been settling in, finding people that they connect with, and starting larger projects. In the morning program, multiple students moved up to the Unity game engine, which I have some proficiency with. It has been so fun and rewarding to help them and watch them […]


Garrett Shelley – MIX Center Week 2

The second week of my internship at the MIX Center in Mesa, AZ was a blast, but also exhausting. The week started somewhat slow, with introductions on Monday, and time for the kids to get used to us, and vice versa. We can’t let them really be alone, but our base of operations is on […]


Garrett Shelley – MIX Center Week 1

Hello all! My name is Garrett, and I’m currently completing my internship at the Media and Immersive eXperience Center in Mesa, Arizona. My time here is divided into two parts. The first is a three-week summer camp with the goal of teaching game development techniques and tools to neurodivergent youth with ASD. This week was […]

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