Rowen Warren, Cubesat Tracker, Temporary End.

Our Sat Tracker is still not fully functioning. We ran into too many technical problems by the time school started back up, and while I would have looked forward to seeing this project through to the end, I was happy with our result for the stage of the project. This is the beginning of the […]


Rowen Warren, Cubesat Tracker, Satellite Tracking.

This will be a shorter update focusing less on “what could be” and more on what we will do. You can look in Nate Ives’ blog post to see more about the construction of the tracker. I want to go over satellite tracking a little in this post.     For any satellite in low earth […]


Rowen Warren Cubesat Tracker, Project Intro

The main focus of this project is to create an arm that tracks satellites to receive radio signals from them. There are two Facets to this project, the Mechanical Arm that uses rotors to point an antenna at a passing satellite, and the RF area of radio reception and signal processing. Those are the requirements, […]

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