Sean Taplin: Environmental Engineering, Week One

I started my internship at the University of Utah this week. I’m working with the Carbon Science and Engineering Research Group, lead by Dr. Brian McPherson. One of the major subjects of research of this group is carbon sequestration, a way to store CO2 underground so it doesn’t get into the atmosphere. The week started […]


Laila Skramstad Week 2: Rodham Institute at George Washington University

Hello everyone! This week, the Rodham Institute connected me with an organization called Georgetown Ministry Center. The center serves people experiencing homelessness by providing hygiene services, meals, job support, and basic medical care. The shelter is not overnight; however it offers these individuals a safe space and a sense of community. I spent my entire […]


Kira Galbraith Week 1: Forest Park Animal Hospital

Hello! My name is Kira Galbraith and I am doing my Pinternship at Forest Park Animal Hospital in Panama City, Florida. My first day was June 17th. I met three important people at the animal hospital: the manager, Rhonda, the owner of the practice/the lead Veterinarian,  Dr. Favolaro, and the other Veterinarian, Dr. Baker. Report […]


Caroline Lucarelli Week 1: Cartilage Research/Large Animal Surgery

I have officially spent one week in Auburn, Alabama, and it is scorching! Monday, I started work at the clinic, and I was able to observe a standing surgery on a mare (female horse) with an infected bolis in her sinus. In order to clean out the infected tissue, a small incision was made medial […]


Georgia Pieper Week 2: HIMB Coral Study

Hello! The second week of my Pinhead Internship here on Moku o Loe has gone by so quickly. This week another intern named Miranda Lentz and I have been setting up and preparing for our coral flow experiment. Miranda Lentz had previously  done an internship in the coral nursery last year with fellow pintern Alannah […]


Kendahl Roufa Week 2: Food Waste Management at the School of Mines and Field Work

The second week of my internship has come to an end. This week was fantastic. I continued my research on food waste at college campuses and started writing part of my literature review. I also started the next phase of the project, which is designing an app that can connect hungry college students to leftover […]


Rachael Burson- Biotechnological Engineering- Pre-Week One

Aloha, I landed in Hawaii safely yesterday and will have my first day on the job tomorrow. This means I have not yet begun my internship. However, I have done some preparation, reading articles, and have an idea of my task. Therefore I will post this as a pick up for next week. The professor […]


Gregor Remec, LASP Software Development, Week Three!

This week was super interesting, both in an outside of work. During the week I was working on various projects including database programming and collaborative software development with the other interns at LASP. Starting off the week I was deep into a CTF (Capture the Flag) designed to show interns the weaknesses of systems. It […]


Kamryn Corzine – Tybee Island Marine Science Center – Week 1

I arrived in Georgia on Saturday the 8th. My host mom took me to old town Savannah and showed me all of the historical sites so I started learning already! On Sunday I got to learn what type of dolphins were  in the area, also some native birds of the area. I started my internship […]


Ethan Barnes: Game Dev, Week 1

Hello there! I’m Ethan from Telluride High School. So, I guess I’m here to tell you about my Pinternship. I started my internship at Illfonic on Monday. So, whats Illfonic? Well, it basically means “dope sound” but its also the name of a company that makes games. At Illfonic I’ve done lots of cool stuff, […]


Danny Bynum: Architecture, Week 1

Hello! My name is Danny Bynum and I attend Montrose High School. I am doing a four week long internship at Strang Design. They are an architecture firm based in Florida that focuses on modern environmental designs. They have three offices: Sarasota, Ft. Lauderdale, and Miami. I will be working in the Miami office throughout […]


Elena Scheibler: Spinal Cord research, week 1

Hi, my name is Elena Scheibler and I attend Telluride High School. For the past week, I have been interning for Pediatric Spinal Cord Research and Rehabilitation in Louisville, Kentucky. I arrived late on June 10thand was picked up by my host brother and his friends. I started my internship the very next morning, so […]

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