Ethan Barnes: Game Dev, Week 2

Hey there! So, its been another week and I’ve done lots of things here in Denver, at Illfonic and not at Illfonic. So, at Illfonic I did *deleted* and that was super fun! I also did *deleted* and *deleted* and that was cool too. Apart from the work stuff I’ve gotten to hang out with […]


Kendahl Roufa Week 3: Continuing my research on food waste and teaching myself to code Python

Hello Friends! This past week was nowhere near as exciting as last because all of my fieldwork was canceled due to bad weather. Fear not though, I still did some crazy exciting things throughout the week. I started the week ready to get my hands dirty outside on a farm, but the steady downpour prevented Mikaela […]


Georgia Pieper Week 3: HIMB Coral Study

Hello, hope everyone is doing well! This week at the HIMB, Miranda and I were able to finish all the set up and work needing to be done in order to help our experiment go underway. Rob Toonen, Miranda, Evan, and I were able to take out a research boat to Humbug reef and collect […]


Rachael Burson – Biotechnological engineering – Week 1

Aloha, My partner Yash and I have been assigned a phenotyping project. Phenotypes are the physical characteristics of plants. One such characteristic is growth rate. The professors goal is to understand how plants growth rate changes based on environment. This is possible because Hawaii has a large range of climates from one side of the […]


Claire Shaver- Behavioral Science, Prologue

Hello, my name is Claire Shaver. I attend Telluride High School and this summer I have the privilege to intern at the Center on Human Development and Disability (CHDD) at the University of Washington in Seattle. I arrived in Seattle on Thursday and I was able to arrive at my host family’s house with no […]


Gregor Remec, LASP, Software Development, Week Four!

This week was super interesting. Early in the week I was programming in Java. Java is super nice for me because in school I took computer science class where we focused only on Java, so I knew what I was doing. The project was to create a card game. I chose blackjack because it is […]


Elena Scheibler, Pediatric Spinal Cord Research: Week 2

This past week has been my second week interning for pediatric spinal cord research and rehabilitation, and it has been amazing. On Monday, we conducted the last experiment for our safety and feasibility study. Things ran a lot smoother this time, as we had learned from the past mistakes and brought a printed-out protocol to […]


Danny Bynum: Architecure, Week 2

This week I continued my research on sea level rise and its impact on people and communities. My mentor, Mr. Strang, visited the Miami office on Thursday and Friday. I met with him and we discussed the research I have done. He is going to give a presentation next month about sea level rise and […]


Andrew Winkelmann: Environmental Engineering, Week One

Hi! My name is Andrew Winkelmann and I am from Ridgway, Colorado. I have the privilege of being a Pintern, and I am excited to share about my internship. My friend Sean and I are aiding Dr. Brian McPherson and the rest of the Carbon Science and Research Group (CSER) at the University of Utah. […]


Caroline Lucarelli Week 2: Cartilage Research/Large Animal Surgery

The second week of my internship has been fantastic! Starting Monday, I assisted in the long process of receiving MRI images of a horse’s front feet.  From these images, it was determined that this horse had bilateral forelimb navicular syndrome. There was visible damage to both joints and parts of the navicular bone (a significant bone in the horse’s foot). Then […]


Rider Johnson, Hydraulic Modeling Lab, Week 2

Already two weeks have passed! This week was another very interesting week. I wasn’t working on the same project as last week. This week, I got to learn about and help out with the project they call Urban Channels. They had a scale model of the LA channel built in the lab. In the model, […]


Kamryn Corzine, Tybee Marine Science Center, Week 2

This week at the Tybee Marine Science Center I learned a variety of different techniques and rules with the animals. I learned about how to feed the animals and take care of them while they are in captivity, and a little bit about what they eat when in the wild. In my mornings I started […]

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