Caroline Lucarelli: Cartilage Research/Equine Surgery: Week 6

  My internship is officially over and the ending was bittersweet. I am happy to return to my small mountain town but sad to leave all the great people I met behind. My last week at the clinic was very fun, on Monday I observed a neurectomy. This neurectomy was performed due to the extensive […]


Caroline Lucarelli: Cartilage Research/Equine Surgery: Week 5

The fifth week of my internship was a very busy one. The clinic wasn’t as busy as usual, but there was a lot of work to be done regarding the research I am doing. On Monday, I was able to observe a bilateral ovariectomy of a mare with behavioral issues. In hopes of correcting these […]


Caroline Lucarelli: Cartilage Research/Equine surgery: Week 4

I have just wrapped up my fourth week in Auburn, and it was a crazy one. On Monday, I observed three surgeries, starting with a mass removal on the ventral side on the trachea. We believe this mass formed from the cartilage cells of the trachea and fibrosis enhanced the size. The mass was successfully resected, and pathology found […]


Caroline Lucarelli: Cartilage Research/Equine Surgery: Week 3

  I have reached the halfway point of my internship and I’m sad to say it has gone by fast. This week I worked with two different samples of cartilage and both tests ran smoothly. While running the tests I have learned more about the mechanical engineering side of this research; such as the reasoning for cartilage being […]


Caroline Lucarelli Week 2: Cartilage Research/Large Animal Surgery

The second week of my internship has been fantastic! Starting Monday, I assisted in the long process of receiving MRI images of a horse’s front feet.  From these images, it was determined that this horse had bilateral forelimb navicular syndrome. There was visible damage to both joints and parts of the navicular bone (a significant bone in the horse’s foot). Then […]


Caroline Lucarelli Week 1: Cartilage Research/Large Animal Surgery

I have officially spent one week in Auburn, Alabama, and it is scorching! Monday, I started work at the clinic, and I was able to observe a standing surgery on a mare (female horse) with an infected bolis in her sinus. In order to clean out the infected tissue, a small incision was made medial […]

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