Jess- Week 2

Week Two: Tuesday of this week I was lucky enough to visit Sapelo Island, another one of the 14 barrier islands off the coast of Georgia. My fabulous soon-to-be host mom, Zelda, was able to use her never ending connections to send me to Sapelo with Savanna Country Day School. Sapelo is home to the […]


Sabine Week 3

I’m settling in quite well and I’m having a lot of fun. Click here for a video! —> Me Pipetting Last week, we left off with NanoDropping the RNA samples. We ended up with a large quantity of RNA without many contaminants, which is very good! We did some quick calculations so that we could dilute […]


Marten: Week One

My name is Marten Kendall and my internship is in our very own state of Colorado in Boulder at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado Boulder. I will working on the Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer (MinXSS). This is a very small sized satellite known as a cubesat. There […]


Week Five-Mikaela

This week has flown by! It’s crazy to think that my internship is almost over. Tomorrow morning at 6 am I am heading on a 4 day camping trip to the Chanel Islands with Bob and his undergraduate class. I’m really looking forward to going because multiple people from my lab and my dorm have […]


Week 4. Aaron

Between all the excitement at the university and at home I find myself late writing my blog. But better late than never so here I go. The group of grad students that I’ve spent the last four weeks with are moving on to other parts of their education. These are good people and were always […]


Zach– week four

Other Stuff   So far, and especially my last post, have been mostly science based. Which is great– I am here in San Diego for a science internship. But that’s not everything I have been doing. San Diego is a beach town, this is my summer, and I have been enjoying the sun and heat. […]


Week Four-Mikaela

The past week in the lab Stephanie and I continued to dissect her invertebrates, dry and then grind her samples. Our samples each week consist of 10 styela, 10 mussels and 8 scallops (the scallops are harder to come by so we had to adjust to the total sample size and figure out how to […]


Danielle: Week 1

Hi everyone! I’m Danielle Nguyen and I am doing a Pinhead internship at the University of California Santa Barbara this summer. I arrived in Santa Barbara on Sunday, June 29 around noon. The night before, I went to sleep at 2 AM and had to wake up at 3 AM so I was super tired, […]


Sabine: Week 2

I have been learning so much. Rob thinks that higher expression of a gene called SFRP5 is linked with increased fat in his genetically identical mice. Because of this, he has 6 mice that he is using to figure out the role of SFRP5 in fat mice vs. normal mice. These are the 6 mice […]


Jess- Week 1

WEEK 1:   Tybee Island has been both informative and full of excitement. My first week consisted of squid dissections, beach walks, sifting and seining classes, helping out the summer camps and learning hands on. At least once a day the summer camp heads out to the beach which is just steps from the Marine […]


Week three

As I finish my third week here at AuburnVeterinary Teaching School, I’m beginning to understand two things about Auburn. One is that the humidity is overwhelming. The second realization is that Auburn is one of the best vet schools in the country and I am very fortunate to spend my internship here, thanks to the […]


Week Three

During the third week I continued to help Stephanie with her project, all of the containers of carbon-13 enriched phytoplankton have been fed to the organisms so now it is time to start testing the impact of the feeding. We collected samples of the organisms that have been fed the enriched phytoplankton and samples that […]

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