Jaden Evans: Virtual Production, Week Two
The second week of my internship has been great! I have learned a great deal, met some extremely smart and creative people, and seen some cool things in and around LA. To facilitate a better understanding of what I’m working on in this blog post, I will digress for a few moments explain a few […]
Emmanuel Ledesma: Chemistry, Week Three
My third week in the lab consisted of working with three new analysis. The first is called System Energy Analysis. System Energy Analysis focuses on analyzing the correlation of system energy with measured IC50 values. What this basically does is it takes the average energy for each ligand, there’s six in total, and compares it […]
Lexie Gardner: Environmental Engineering Week Four
This week of my internship was probably the best thus far. In the lab, we accomplished a lot and were really able to tackle some of the biggest issues we have faced. Outside of the lab, I have continued to explore the Salt Lake City area and gotten to know the city much better. Monday […]
Cooper Rondinelli: Programming and Data Science, LASP, Week Three
This week, we continued and finished thermal testing for MinXSS; also, we started building a possible replacement battery pack to be included on the satellite in its flight. Outside of the lab, I have progressed in writing the GUI to display rocket data; I have come across some difficulties interpreting the data, so until I […]
Samantha Scherner: Health Equity, Week Five
Its hard to believe that I only have one more week in DC, the time has really flown by. This week started out with a trip to the weight management clinic where I shadowed a physician who sees patients who need help with managing their weight. Most of her patient shave diabetes as that is […]
Noah Rainer: Spinal Cord Research, Week Four
Hello! I just completed week #4 at Frazier Rehab. This week was a success, I spent 3 days with the engineering core. They taught me a lot about all the different tasks their job requires. I learned to check nonfunctional electrodes for exposed or crossed wires, and I learned how to fix them, I […]
Alexa Yanosky, St. Croix, Plastic Surgery; Week 1
My name is Alexa Yanosky and I am one of many 2018 Pinhead Interns from Montrose, Colorado. This summer I have the amazing opportunity to take part in a medical internship in the United States Virgin Islands, more specifically the beautiful island of St. Croix. My fellow intern, Abbie Link, is joining me on this […]
Ellie Bulson: Spinal Cord Injury Research, Week Four
I cannot believe I only have two more weeks left here in Louisville! This past week has been both exciting and interesting as I am continuing to learn and experience new things. We started the week with a meeting with the whole team to finalize the minor details of the study ahead; Validating the IMU, […]
Abigail Link: St. Croix Plastic Surgery Week One
My name is Abigail Link and I am one of the five 2018 interns from Ouray High School. This past week starting on the 8th of July I begun the journey of my internship. My internship is in the St. Croix, U.S Virgin Islands shadowing Dr. Gregory Moorman. Dr. Moorman is a certified plastic surgeon […]
Spencer Keating: Environmental Engineering, Week Four
The fourth week of my internship was amazing. To start the week we got our Xbee communication devices Daisy chained together. This helps increase the range of the devices, as data from the farthest Xbee can be relayed back to the receiver through the other Xbees. We have also been refining how the data is […]