Ellie Bulson: Spinal Cord Injury Research, Week Five
This past week at the Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center has been extremely fun and interesting! Monday was the slowest day as we spent most of the day creating the script for our upcoming experiments. This means that we were creating a sort of step by step guide for our research so that if […]
Caitlyn Littlejohn, Forensic Entomology, Week One
I started out my first week at the Appleton Whittle Research Ranch in Arizona. My first few days here I spent settling in and reading and researching scientific papers on how decomposition works and how some scientists ran experiments to figure out what insects are apart of what stage in decomposition and how they play […]
Ry Gould Week 5
This week was a busy week for most of our lab, but a slow week for the interns. Dissections of one cohort of rats took up Monday, and we were able to watch the procedure of sacrificing them and the whole dissection process. The rest of the week surgeries were done on rats. I got […]
Alexa Yanosky: St. Croix Plastic Surgery Week Two
Day 7: The second day of the weekend turned into a light hike with snorkeling in the Jack and Isaac Bay (featured picture above). The Sunday was spent with Stefán and Abbie with relaxing in the sand and cracking jokes with Dr. Moorman. We drove to the most eastern point of the United States that […]
Wynton Brown: Addiction Research at TSRI, La Jolla Week Five
It was a big week for the lab, and almost everybody was super busy all week. The arrival of the mew GWAS cohort meant surgeries all week. The surgeries were to insert catheters in the rats, allowing for drugs to be administered intravenously. The way catheters work is that a syringe is attached to the […]
Abigail Link: St. Croix Plastic Surgery Week Two
Day seven we got in the truck and traveled with Stephan and Dr. Moorman around the island. We drove on the east side of the island and saw the old plantation sites there. This side of the island has a few abandoned resorts since the impact of the hurricane hit this side of the island […]
Carlos Rodriguez: Investigation and application of the Physical doping mechanisms on single layer graphene, week four.
this week we continue with the process of preparing graphene samples to test them. This time we apply silicon dioxide around the samples. We use this dioxide to isolate our graphene sample from the environment. We did this because when we exposed it to the environment, graphene changed its resistivity little by little when it […]
Lexie Gardner: Environmental Engineering Week Five
I can’t believe I only have one week left here in Salt Lake City! While I will definitely not miss the heat, it will be hard to leave the work I am doing and all the amazing people I have met. This week ended up being insanely busy and I am sure that next week […]
Emmanuel Ledesma: Chemistry, Week Four
This week in the lab we continued working with two more analyses to run on our Hsp90 systems. These will be the last analyses that our mentors will teach us. The main purpose of all of these analyses we have learned are to see if there’s any correlation between each system and their IC50 value. […]
Karsen Henwood: Marine Biology, Week 5
I had a really fabulous week here at Tybee Island. I assisted a lot with Sea Camp this week at the Science Center and I think the kids had a lot of fun. We taught them to cast net, and it was when McKenna and I were both just learning. When I worked in the […]