Gregor Remec, LASP Software Development, Week Two
The second week of my internship here at LASP was super cool, I started getting into the flow of working and got tons done. I started the week finishing a script-parsing project that was to get warmed up coding with python. The project was is interesting and reminded me of a lot of python syntax […]
Gregor Remec, LASP Software Development Training, Week One!
Hey everyone, I’m Greg Remec and I’m from Telluride High School. This past week was huge as I moved up to Boulder, Colorado and got settled in with my super nice host family, and intense internship. On Memorial Day (May 27th), I drove up to Boulder with my bike on the back rack and got […]
Two Telluride seniors earn scholarships
Chang Chavkin Scholars Program supports first generation college graduates
Feeling eco-guilt about flying? Pinhead’s got you covered
Purchasing carbon offsets through PCI has atmospheric, conservation benefits
Science full circle: Pinhead internship program produces its first PhD
Telluride native Dawson White earns doctorate in biology
Be Blinded By Science
Community Science Fair at Wilkinson Public Library
Making Good Decisions Right Out of the Gate
Pinhead course introduces teens to backountry snow safety, snow science.
Jaden Evans: Virtual Production, Week 7
Welcome to my final blog post from this wonderful internship! I’ve spent the last month and a half doing some of the most exciting work ever, and it was incredibly formative, inspiring, and invigorating. I suppose I will just dive right into the events of this week. Monday was the big film shoot day! We’d […]
Miguel Ambriz Aerospace Engineering Week 6 (Final Week)
It is astounding how the past six weeks have flown past. My work during the final week consisted mainly of observing the communications board of a different satellite, CU-E3, going through troubleshooting because it wasn’t cooperating with the radio correctly. The process involved a mixer that is fed a low frequency (382 MHz in our […]