Zachary Vincent-Oral History with History Colorado-Week 1
My name is Zachary Vincent, I am 16 years old, and I have just begun my Pinhead Internship with the organization History Colorado.
Caitlin Ogoe – LASP Coding Training – Week 6
Week 6 is here already and it marked a very hectic week for me.
Hazel Thomas, Genetic Research at UW, Week 3
My first new assignment for the week was to make a pedigree for my family.
Margaux Lovely, Forensic Psychology, Weeks 2 and 3
Over the past couple of weeks, I have been slowly chipping away at the forensic interviewing course online.
Eliram Reyes-Powell, Protein Modelling using Rosetta: Internship | Week 3
This is the third week of the first section of the Computational Biology Internship.
Carmen Puentes, Protein Structural Analysis Using Rosetta and GALigandock, Week 2
This was my second and last week virtually working with Ph.D. student Brandon Harris and Dr. Vladimir Yarov-Yarovoy at the University of California, Davis School of Medicine.
Christian Lindler, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Week 6
Hello! It’s hard to believe that it has already been six weeks.
Anaya Martinez: Environmental Engineering- Week 4
Hello everyone! Going into week four of my Pinternship. Again, this week was focused on coding.
Seyde Delgado-Collaborative to Combat the Illegal Turtle Trade (CCITT)-Week 4
Hello again! This was my 4th week as an intern for the Collaborative to Combat the Illegal Turtle Trade.
Kelly Stellmacher, Innovations in the Health Industry Through Protein Study, Week 3
Though only halfway through, this internship has taught me more about protein structures and computer programs than I had ever previously imagined I would learn. When I initially began this internship, I was aware that the six weeks would be split into two different segments. For three weeks, I would work with Professor Vladimir Yarov-Yarovoy […]