Christian Lindler, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Week 8
This week I was introduced to basic graphics in the Python coding language.
Natalia Graham- Strang Design- week 2
During the second week of my internship I started gathering information about the average square footage of home space per person from 1920 to 2020.
Seyde Delgado- Collaborative to Combat the Illegal Turtle Trade (CCITT) Internship- Week 6
I wasn’t able to meet with my mentor on Monday as I usually do, but I continued to record information until I could.
Kelly Stellmacher, Molecular Dynamics: Modeling and Analyzing Changes in Biological Structures, Week 5
Here, after another amazing week with an amazing group of people, I have arrived at another transition point.
Anaya Martinez: Environmental Engineering – Week 6
This week was a very ‘mellow’ week. I had a couple assignments to do in order to prepare for Friday’s “Fun-Day” meeting.
Bella Galbo, Health Equity and Social Justice – Rodham Institute, Week 3
Hello again! I am in D.C., and this week has been so incredible. With the Coronavirus, most everything is online so I haven’t been working in person often.
Science is What’s Going to Save Us
Pinhead’s Science of Cocktails mixes fun, fundraising and, importantly, science
Caitlin Ogoe – LASP Coding Training – Week 7
Howdy everyone! This week was probably one of my most productive so far, even though it was cut short by a long weekend in observance of the 4th.
Hazel Thomas, Genetic Research at UW, Week 4
This week I continued to work through some of my assignments with Maddie. We had a virtual meeting on Wednesday where we went over my pedigree together.
Zachary Vincent-Oral History with History Colorado-Week 2
This has been a great week, and a very fun one with regards to my internship with History Colorado!