Earth Day Events
We loved that our SITS speaker Dr. Heidi Steltzer could be part of Telluride’s Earth Day celebrations!
Summer STEAM – Pinhead & Ah Haa Collaborations
STEAM Week: Experimental Art, Color Science, and Entomology Expression are all coming up from Pinhead and Ah Haa!
Pinhead’s Cooking with the Ah Haa School
Our Pinheads had a blast teaming up for sweet creations with our friends at the Ah Haa School.
Joining the WPL to Serve Our Community
We’re always so thrilled to work with our friends at the Wilkinson Public Library in serving our amazing kids and community!
Teaming with the Telluride Historical Museum
Working with our fellow Smithsonian Affiliate on its “Outbreak: Epidemics in a Connected World” exhibition was both timely and fun.
Thank You Lone Cone Legacy Trust
Thank you Lone Cone Legacy Trust for believing in us and supporting our work in the West End.
Used Climbing Ropes Help Artist Laura Vallo Get a Grip on Recycling
Making Beauty from used objects, her work is deeply connected to the principles of conservation and reuse.
Pintern Presentations Wednesday
Students to share their experiences with the public.
Kaleigh Reggiannini, Week 5, Long Table Farm
Hi everyone and welcome to a recap of the last week on the farm! Monday morning I had an early start. I woke up at 5:30 and drove straight to the farm from Telluride. I was home to see my boyfriend before he left for college. Once I got to the farm we harvested some […]
Ayla Kanow| Scripps Week 4| Neuroscience
I am happy to announce that I have finished my internship! The entire experience flew by especially the last week. I am grateful for everything I have learned, those that have taught me, and the experiences I hope will come next. Although this internship was focused on science, I also learned a plethora of […]