Legacy Trust makes annual grants
Gives away $12,500 to support local programs
Pintern presentations Tuesday at Sheridan Opera House
For the past decade, the Pinhead Institute’s Pinternship program has been one of Sarah Holbrooke’s passions.
Haley Brackett- surgery in israel- week 6
This week I learned how to read an x-ray. I can identify each organ. I learned the difference between an x-ray, ct, and many different tests. I learned about what chemo is and how to do patient exams. I saw an orthopedic surgery where they had to sew wire through the bone to close it. […]
Haley Brackett- surgery in israel- week 5
This week I got a taste for different specialties like general. I saw two hernia repairs one endoscopic and one open. A closed procedure is sometimes preferable but it depends on the severity of the tear. The open hernia repair was much worse it had way more tears and they removed the entire lining and […]
Haley Brackett- surgery in israel- week 4
This week was very informative. I learned a lot, like how to read a Coronary angiogram. This is where a catheter is inserted into a major artery and threaded through the vessels to the heart. A dye is inserted and x-ray machines can see the flow of the heart. I was able to see a […]
Andrea Peralta-Villa, Criminology, Week 6 (Final)
Last week of my internship, I gave a presentation to some undergraduate students as well as some doctoral students to show them my research methods and the process before handing the project over to them. The presentation was moved up to Monday when is supposed to be due on Friday, which made me anxious, luckily […]
Logan Files- OSU(Aerospace Engineering)- week 4
On the Monday of my last week, I started to build the inflatable-winged airplane. I cut the fuselage nose and tail as well as the v-tail pieces on the laser cutter and then built the body up. I decided to reinforce the fuselage by adding fiberglass rods on the corners. This technique worked extremely well […]
Andrea Peralta-Villa, Criminology, Week 5
This week, I spent my time working on a presentation that I am supposed to give to a group of undergraduates before handing my research over to them. While researching, I have had to think about the reproducibility of my work, patterns, and methodology. I am extremely nervous about my presentation, but I have put […]
Logan Files- OSU(Aerospace Engineering)- week 4
On Monday we implemented the motor into the middle piece of the plane. We felt this method of squishing the foam between two plates would be a sturdy way of binding the motor to foam. I designed and laser cut a piece of wood to match the carbon fiber mount that already came with the […]