Natalie Lopez Ramirez, Metabolism at the Ye Lab, Week 1
Hi everyone! I am Natalie Lopez Ramirez and I am spending six weeks of this summer interning at the Ye Lab at Scripps in San Diego! I am studying metabolism and neurobiology using mice. The week started off very informative, Lily and Melaina (two other interns in the same lab as me) and I started […]
Baen Tougher, Astro Physics and Astronomy, Week Two
This is the second week of my 6-week internship in Boulder Colorado, studying astrophysics. This second week has been a little slower than the first week. The people I have been working with have been trying to meet a deadline for the new Sprite Cube-Sat that they are working on, so a lot of […]
Ashlee Petranovich- Clinical and School Psychology Internship (Murray State University) Week Three
Hello everyone! I hope that my blog post finds you well. My name is Ashlee Petranovich and I am currently in Murray, Kentucky attending Murray State University. While I am here on my internship I will be collaborating with four different programs that are focused on mental health, school safety, school psychology, and psychological assessments. […]
Natalie Trask, Spinal Cord Injury Research at the Frazier Rehab Facility in Louisville Kentucky, Week One
Hello everyone! My name is Natalie Trask and this is week one of my internship at the Frazier Rehab Facility in Louisville Kentucky. Here, I am expanding my knowledge on spinal cord injuries, specifically in the pediatrics department. In this past week, I have come to learn that the Frazier Rehab Facility is quite a […]
Lily Vogel, Neurobiology Scripps Research Institute, Week 1
I am Lily Vogel, and I’m spending my summer in San Diego, California at Scripps Research Institute studying neurobiology. I have have been given an amazing opportunity to study under Yu Wang and with her two undergrad students: Saba Heydari-Seradj and Verina Leung. There are two other Pinhead interns working here, but they’re not working […]
Tiffany Wu, Chemistry at the University of Houston, Week Two
I’m Tiffany Wu and I am spending my summer at the University of Houston in Texas studying chemistry with Professor Baldelli and his group. This is week two of being in Texas and I have made a lot more progress with my project. Last week, I had spent the majority of the time just learning […]
Saida Holder, Chemistry at the University of Houston Week 2
Hello! This is my second week at the University of Houston studying chemistry, and this week went by incredibly fast compared to last week. While, most of this week was waiting on our solution to filter and our glassware to be cleaned for more prep, I have learned an incredible amount in this short time. […]
Brooke Duncan: Software Development with Agile Onboarding, Week 1
Hello everybody! My name is Brooke Duncan and I am a summer 2023 Pintern from Telluride, Colorado. To put it simply, this past week has been a whirlwind of new and exciting information. As it turns out, I am fortunate enough to be staying in Telluride for my internship, as I work under one of […]
Rose Kirk-Landry, University of Utah Environmental Engineering, Week 2
My name is Rose Kirk-Landry and I am interning in environmental engineering at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. This week I worked on some coding and building temperature sensors. The current goal for the rest of my time here is to make more sensors, learn more advance programming, and combine those skills […]
TJ Neumann, CU Boulder Aerospace Machine Shop, Week 2
This was an exciting week for me in the shop. I made a lot of progress on several different projects. My first task this week was to continue work on building the test bed for the rocket motor for my mentor’s Intro to Rocketry class. The bed is built out of steel unistrut, which I […]