Our Scientists

We at the Pinhead Institute are grateful to work with leading scientists with expertise in everything from Biology and Medicine to Physics and Astronomy and everything in between. Our partner scientists lead demonstrations and hands-on activities in order to enhance the science curriculum of our regional schools, work to increase science awareness among students, strive to stimulate scientific thinking and put a human face on the scientific community. We thank our team of experts for their time, their energy, and their contributions to make science exciting to our student population.

Chester Anderson
BUGS Consulting

Dr. Travis Bailey
Colorado State University

Dr. Andrew Berry 
Harvard University

Dr. Thomas Borch
Colorado State University

Dr. Douglas Bruggee 
Tufts University

Dr. Kieron Burke 
University of California, Irvine

Dr. David Coker 
Boston University

Dr. Julie Cole 
University of Arizona

Dr. Christopher Crockett 
US Naval Observatory

Dr. John Cuppoletti
University of Cincinnati/ TSRC Scientist

Dr. Janet De Grazia
University of Colorado, Boulder

Dr. Susan DeSensi
Boston University

Dr. Neil Donahue
Carnegie Mellon

Dr. Jack Dumbacher   
California Academy of Sciences

Dr. Terry Erwin 
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History

Dr. Ron Estler 
Fort Lewis College/TSRC Scientist

Dr. Brian Fisher
California Academy of Sciences

Dr. Joseph Francisco
Purdue University

Bob Hodorff
Retired US Dept. of Agriculture Wildlife Biologist

Dr. Karen Kosiba
Center for Severe Weather Research

Dr. David Leitner
University of Nevada, Reno

Dr. Ed Lyman
University of Delaware

Susan Oupadia, MD
Retired Pathologist, St. Mary’s Medical Center

Paul Oupadia, MD
Retired Cardiologist, St. Mary’s Medical Center

Dr. Thomas Painter
Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Cal Tech

Chris Piasecki
Sims Fayola International Academy

Simon Porter 
Lowell Observatory

Dr. Scott Schowalter
Penn State

Dr. John Steinberg
University of Massachusetts, Boston

Dr. John Straub
Boston University/TSRC Scientist

Joe Tanner  
UC Boulder, Retired NASA Astronaut

Karl Thompson
Environmental Consultant, Tetra Tech EM Inc.

Dr. Mark Varien 
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center

Dr. George Weiblen
University of Minnesota

Dr. Nathaniel White
Lowell Observatory

Dr. Rosemary White  
Boston University


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