Dried tephra–this was a bad idea. The powder is made up of thousands of shards of volcanic glass and it cut my hand pretty badly.
My fourth week has been hard, but great. Monday I was taken to a bog with Dr. John Steinberg, and Alecia, the project’s geologist, where I dug holes in the bog so that we could try to find the perfect tephra sequence. This was so we could be precise about the dates so we could reinforce the data from coring. On Tuesday, I went to Helluland a farm in the highlands of Hagranes where I did some coring around the boundaries for Kathryn. There were berries every where and I had a hard time not picking them all. By Wednesday I headed back to the bog to work with Brian who was one of the experts on tephra. He had me dig around in the bog (which is not the most easy place to dig) and we found the sequence. On Thursday I returned to the bog and we cleaned it for photos and sampling. Friday I went to Vatnskot to find a posible sequence there, but we determined that it wasn’t complete. Saterday I worked the crews open house for the public, where I helped Brian show off his geophysics, and showed demonstrations of how to float. Sunday was my day off! I went and just travled the fjord and explored the Naboly town of Holar and Hasfos which had a very nice swimming pool. Having this experience is truly life changing! My summer is being put to good use!
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