I am in week two with the second host family and it’s great! Origami and crafts continue. We even went to a couple of art museums downtown! While downtown, I got to see the giant, golden statue of David and a horse drawn carriage.
Over the weekend I got to go to a birthday party at the park and eat at Sushi and Asian Cuisine Restaurant called Cafe Mimosa. We spend a lot of time at local events and outdoor activities. We went to the Farmer’s Market and the playground. The Farmer’s Market
had a great variety of delicious food and interesting souvenirs.

Art I saw at the museum and downtown
At work I am continuing with my regular schedule. I have started doing Motion Analysis on the computer which is tricky but interesting. When a patient is walking on the treadmill, reflectors are attached to key points on their body and the cameras recording the movement can calculate the reflectors’ dimension in space. Then they are plotted on the coordinate grid and it is my job to connect the points. It’s tricky because, sometimes, if only one camera or no cameras have sight of the reflectors, the points don’t show up on the coordinate grid. I’ve managed to do a pretty good job though!
So far, this experience has been incredible and I am excited for the next two weeks!
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