Week 4!

This is the equation that calculates the RMSD value. Luckily the computer does all of these calculations so I don’t have to!
This week I had more time to work on my own project. I got 350 nanoseconds of footage back from the supercomputer. So I started the week by processing that footage to get my simulations. Once I had that, I could start to analyze the simulations. The first kind of analysis I did was RMSD, which stands for root mean square deviation. This analysis basically shows the difference between values throughout a simulation, or how much it changes. I also did RMSF analysis which shows the flexibility of the structure. Every Friday we end the week with “celebratory snacks” and this week we had cupcakes!

Lora, Kacy, Megan, and I at Lora’s rotary club dinner.
This week I was joined by two other Pinterns, Kacy and Megan, staying with my host family. They are
both working at Scripps Research Institute which is only about 10 minutes away from where I am working, so they give me rides to and from the campus. On Tuesday we went to a dinner for Lora’s rotary club where we met many interesting people. Other than that we have been just hanging out and watching Netflix. We hope to do something over the holiday weekend!
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