Maya Santa Ana – Telluride High School

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, Maya Santa Ana, 2025 Interns


My name is Maya Santa Ana, and I am a junior in high school. My biggest interest has always been psychology. As part of a minority and as a student, I understand the trouble and bigotry my identity brings. Behavioral psychology, specifically, is something I am passionate about because ever since I began my adolescence, I have always wanted to understand the reason for the anger and disdain that my trans identity inflicted on people. Navigating the world with the improvement of knowledge hopes to educate and bring people to a new world. I am open-minded, empathic, and always accepting of criticism. I am independent and can control my emotions for those around me who need me, and I work great under pressure. Thanks to my mother’s words, I have become a better person, becoming a Pintern and increasing my knowledge to help the people around me.

I take pride in my identity, as it shapes who I am and what I value in myself. Engaging in activities I love and admire fills me with confidence. Cosplay is significant to me and to my character. It has been the driving force behind my desire to study behavioral psychology, leading me to explore why some individuals are inclined to dislike another person’s identity.

Me in cosplay.

Another Big thing for me is photography, taking pictures and looking at the world around me, as it allowed me to pick up more on psychology. Taking pictures has made me appreciate more than ever, and taking in the scenery around me has also made me a better person. Constantly being behind the camera allows you to see the world from different angles. Photography opened me up to psychology in ways that were mind-blowing and allowed me to connect with the people around me.

A Photo I took a little over a year ago.

Thank you for reading


Maya Santa Ana



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