Ava Silverberg, Entomology Research with the Brosi Lab at RMBL, Week 2 & 3

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2024 Interns, Ava Silverberg

Hello again!! Unfortunately, Cheska and I suddenly became very sick on Tuesday of last week and decided, for the safety of everyone, it would be best to stay home. And after a visit to urgent care on Thursday, it turns out we both contracted Covid-19! So week two of my internship was unexpectedly dedicated to recuperation.

Thankfully, we both were feeling better by Monday of this week, so we geared up and headed back to work! My mentor, Chris, was out of town this week, so I worked mostly alongside the other members of my team but ALSO with a new team (called QNEST) researching network dynamics and manipulations in our field studies.

Three days out of this week, we employed the use of netting, also referred to as the “thunderdome,” where we introduced an additional 15-25 pollinators around the plant in an effort to increase the amount of pollination events. This exercise was particularly educational as Bucky, a knowledgeable grad student, assisted me in identifying these diverse insects.

The Thunderdome!

Bombus Flavifrons

In addition to my regular camera work with the team, I had the privilege of assisting QNEST at two different sites – one at AP (Avery Picnic) and the other at RG (Rustler’s Gulch). At both locations, we conducted similar research involving monitoring randomized plots and segments of plants for a minute and a half, pausing the timer each time an insect was observed interacting with the reproductive organs of a flower. This insect was then caught and either identified and released or identified and euthanized in a vial containing ethyl acetate.

Label model

Labeled vile

Data sheet

This process was repeated at RG along with applying quinine, a bitter substance, to potentilla pulcherrima flowers in an attempt to deter visits from pollinators. This experiment aimed to explore potential cascading effects on floral visitation patterns throughout the plots and segments and even possibly the surrounding field over time.

RG plots and segments

In my free time, Cheska and I took some yoga classes in the town of Crested Butte, shopped around at a farmer’s market, and swam in a couple of lakes! I’m loving my internship so far and I’m so excited for what’s to come!

Farmer’s market

Yoga in the park

Lake Irwin

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