Reeve Johnson_Using AI tools to predict stock prices: week 3, web hook reading challenges

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, Reeve Johnson, 2024 Interns

Week 3 was focused on applying basic Python code to print output to the terminal. I employed Visual Studios to create the Python code that would print a simple message when the webhook was hit.

Originally, this step should have been very straightforward. All I should have needed to do was write out a couple lines of code and then test everything. However, immediately, I ran into the same issue as the week before, where I found myself having to go back and update or install the software needed. Yet, unlike the previous week when I installed the software, the program still didn’t work, and I could not figure out why because, at every step, each piece seemed to be functioning correctly, yet the webhook and Python code were not linking. After many hours of troubleshooting, I eventually got on the phone with Moiz, and together, we figured out that because I was moving so much, my IP address, or the point the webhook was trying to reach, was constantly changing, making it impossible for the webhook to reach my computer.

To fix this issue, next week, I am going to be launching an AWS server with Linux in order to provide a constant IP. I foresee this new twist to be slightly challenging as I have never used Linux in my life, and Linux is an extremely bare-bones operating system. I will essentially need to replicate everything I have already done but now on a new operating system.



Outside of work, I have been in Telluride, seeing friends and enjoying the outdoors. I recently went car camping up on Sunshine Mesa with some friends. I also climbed and slept on Ajax.

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