Kaylynn Quinonez, Marine Biology at Tybee Marine Science Center, Week 3 and 4

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2024 Interns, Kaylynn Quinonez

Hello and welcome to my last two week in Tybee Island. These weeks I spent lots more time on sea camp and in the gallery. On week 3 we had 19 students and on week 4 we had only 7. As well I also spent a day with CASA which is Savannah’s team of Court Appointed Special Advocates for our youth in the community.

On Mondays of week 4 we taught the kids again about invertebrates. We learned how they move and survive and taught them with slideshows. We also spent our Mondays searching the Jetties for creatures because our facility often releases its population and looks for new sea animals to bring in. On week 3 we released a bunch of our hermit crabs so we were on the hunt for new ones to bring in. On week 4 I took Monday off from the center.

On Tuesday we taught the kids about endangered species such as turtles and whales. The
kids played whale trivia and learned how the white patches on whales are lice. The campers got to watch our sea turtles eat and see how they are able to catch crabs. We also let them see our sea turtle fossils and how they are made with their spines fused to their shell.

On Wednesdays we did fear over fact. The campers learned how sharks have an amazing sense of smell. We were able to do an activity with the campers where we used a set of painted jars with various things in them such as pickle juice and vanilla. We passed the jars around and let the campers smell them to see if they could guess what was inside. On week 4 I was also able to find my very first shark tooth on the beach that I was able to bring home with me. The campers also learned about jellyfish and the proper way to react if stung by one.

Since my interest was initially in forensic psychology, Zelda set me up on Thursday of week 3 to spend the day with CASA. I was able to sit in on two of their court cases. One was a family case to decide where two siblings would be placed and the other was a human trafficking case where we learned that a 16 year old was moved from their home and placed in a group home. I also was able to visit the Costal Children’s Advocacy Center and do a tour of their facility. On Thursday of Week 4 I went on Dolphin Tour day where I able to see an abundance of dolphins. We also taught the campers how to handle situations of stress as our bus showed up late for the tour.

On Friday of Week 3 I spent the first half of the day on gallery rotation where I was able to teach about our different animals in the facility and was able to test my knowledge of the animals. Then I was on camp the second half of the day where we taught the campers about birds and how each species is adapted for their habitat and diet. On Friday of week 4 I went with the campers on a marsh tour. We explored all the wildlife and plants in the marsh and collected a bunch of crabs to bring back. In the marsh we walk through the muddy land and teach the kids how to get out of mud if stuck.

On week 3 I was came in on Saturday since I took off Thursday and spent the day in the gallery with the animals. I got to spend a lot of time on the touch tank with the hermit crabs and sea stars. I was able to teach the kids visiting the center how to handle crabs and the idea of being gentle with living creatures.

On Thursday of week 3 after visiting with CASA, Sonchia (the former head of Pinhead) stayed with me and took me out to see Savannah and visit River Street Sweets. She taught me some of the history of Savannah’s town and walked me through Savannah’s system of town squares. In my free time I also spent time with Zelda’s daughter and granddaughter who came to visit. Zelda’s daughter is Jessica who works for Pinhead. We spent time at the beach together and watched lots of movies. On Sunday of Week 3 I spent my time on the beach (without sunscreen) where I became very sunburnt and lost a lens from my glasses. I took off Monday to go get my glasses repaired and was able to visit the Telifair Museum. On the 4th of July I went with Zelda and Sheldon to watch the fireworks.  On Saturday of week 4 I packed up my things, went paddle boarding, and then flew home.

Thank you to everyone who made my trip memorable and who provided a safe and inviting environment for me.

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