Hello again! My name is Christopher Pohorecki and this is a recap of my sixth and final week at my OSU Aerospace Engineering internship located in Stillwater Oklahoma! As you may know from my previous posts, our group has been tasked with creating a bi-copter capable of VTOL flight and horizontal flight. Our concept will then be tested against a replica of NASA’s ingenuity, these tests include how large of an area each drone is capable of mapping out.

Replica of Ingenuity.
This week was much shorter than usual. OSU campus was closed on Monday because of the Fourth Of July on Sunday. Leaving me with only two days before my departure. We began Tuesday by mounting our two thrust vectoring tower mounts. Soon after doing so one of our supervisors Dr. Ben Loh, said our print was structurally compromised and too heavy. We then began redesigning our thrust vectoring towers, adding diagonal beams to reinforce our servo mounts, and removing unnecessary amounts of material that only added weight. We then submitted our new design for printing. We then got to see the replica of Ingenuity built by Dr. Ben Loh, as seen on the right!
The next day we began assembling what we could! Using our improved thrust vectoring tower we mounted the thrust vectoring system to the wing along with the motors, servos, and battery. We then discovered that the plane’s center of gravity was in front of the wing, making it impossible to transition the plane from verticle flight into horizontal flight. Soon after coming to this realization, we decided to cut into the wing because our motors were too heavy to keep on the very tip of the plane. After doing this our center of gravity was perfectly placed onto the strut of the wing. We then cut into the wing even more to mount our camera and ESCs. I then said goodbye and thanked everyone who helped me with my project!
I wanna say a big thanks to everyone that helped me with my internship. I have learned more about Aerospace Engineering at USRI than I would ever learn at home. Some of the key engineers that really helped me learn were Dr. Jamey Jacob, Dr. Ben Loh, and Andrew Cole. All of them gave me great advice and always gave us time out of their busy schedules to help us learn. I would also like to thank everyone from the Pinhead Institute, especially Sarah Holbrooke, for giving me this awesome opportunity to learn more about what I want to do with my future!
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