Hello again! This is a recap of my second week at the OSU Aerospace Engineering Internship.

Bi-Copters created in previous years.
On Monday we began by being separated into different groups assigned with different projects. I was assigned to what in my opinion was the coolest project. Using a foam board plane kit wing to create a bi-copter capable of VTOL and forward flight with a photogrammetry payload onboard. We began our project by creating a timeline/checklist of our design process. This included creating a thrust vectoring system capable of controlling the wing and researching the parts necessary for our wing.
Over the next few days, we spent most of our time calculating the weight of our bi-copter, and online shopping looking for motors capable of lifting our bi-copter. One of the biggest hurdles of finding motors was power consumption, motors may have been able to lift the wing, but the power consumption would decrease our flight time and cause the plane to overheat. After many hours of surfing the web, we found three different motors capable of lifting our plane. We then ordered all three motors and the recommended props to be tested on a motor clamp capable of calculating the thrust of each motor.
As we waited for our motors and wing to arrive, we learned how to use Solidworks. Solidworks is a CAD software capable of creating 3D parts and 3D printing the part created in the file. We then got to meet, and ask questions to a few people who work for the FAA, and Nasa a part of the Advanced Air Mobility project to create electric planes/drones capable of carrying people!
Throughout the week I enjoyed riding around on my electric longboard and going out to eat at the wonderful restaurants here in Stillwater. I also found one of the coolest bike shops I have ever seen, which seems out of place here in Oklahoma, but none the less I have enjoyed my time here.
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