I did it! I survived a six weeks in a completely new city, following a brand new schedule, working with people I just met. Not only did I survive, I thrived! I went in to this internship with an open mind because I didnt know what to expect. I kept that same mindset throughout my entire internship and it took me so far. I was open and ready to be apart of everything.
I would like to thank the entire team at KSCIRC for giving me so much information and a totally different insight into the medical field. I would also like to thank my host family, Brigid and David and there two boys, for putting up with me for the past 6 weeks. Their hospitality and friendlyness was unmatched. And a final HUGE thank you to the entire PinHead team. I am so grateful for the oprotuintity they presented me and the strength to presue my dreams! Now after all of that I will get onto my last week of my internship.
Monday, I was given my final intern brute work task. I had to log hundreds of blood pressures and heart rates in a Microsoft Excel sheet. Thankfully I had the entire week to work on the document. Besides being behind a computer for a couple of hours, I worked mostly in the standing clinic being hands on with patients. And for the last time I was part of the motion capture team, and we finally got it to work! After work on Monday I got to attend a bizarre event called the Dainty Fest. A sport similar to golf and baseball combined.
Tuesday I was in out patient clinic working with the same usual patients I had worked with the past couple of weeks. During the hour lunch break we were all given, we rushed to warm up our food and get our spots in front of the TV to watch the Olympics.
Wednesday I was in PEDS again working with a patient on stepping his legs on his own. After that session was done I worked on logging blood pressures again and then spent the afternoon in the standing gym with one of my favorite patients.
Thursday I was in the out patient clinic again. I enjoyed my last day, saying good bye to all the patients I had been working with for a month and saying my last good byes to all the PT’s. I brought all the staff of the out patenits clinic doughnuts as a thank you gift.
Friday, I brought doughnuts in again for everybody else I had worked with. These doughts were so unbelievably good! Also one of my coworkers had made cinnamon rolls that morning. Breakfast of the champs for me, a doughnut and a cinaminroll! I worked in the standing gym one last time saying good bye to all the staff. After my work in the standing gym I finished logging all of the blood pressure and heart rates I was assigned and then I was done. Six weeks came to an end in the blink of an eye. Friday evening I spent at lakeside. Living my best life in the pool and doing as many flips as possible.
Again I am super thankful for eveyone who helped me get to the potion I was in. It was a group effort and with out everyone’s help I couldn’t have gotten anywhere close to where I am now. Thank you for reading my final blog about my 6 week internship in Kentucky. I hope you have enjoyed reading about the work I have done. All the best
Catcher – what a fabulous experience!! You will go far with your open mind and ability to explore new possibilities!!
Uncle Jeff and Aunt Margaret from California