Patty Minnehan, Astrophysics at LASP, Week 6

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This week, I made new maps without normalizing or smoothing(adjusting their value for a better image) the pixels of the gases. Each FITS file is composed of multiple fields, and I created the whole map from 19 individual fields . I divided these files against corresponding error maps to generate signal-to-noise maps. By analyzing the pixel values in these signal-to-noise maps, I identified and removed all corresponding pixels in the original FITS files that had a signal-to-noise value of less than 5 or 3. This was to reduce the noise or false data points of the maps. I did this for all four same gases I was working with last week: hydrogen alpha, hydrogen beta, nitrogen II, and oxygen III. I will use the graph I made last week and plot the points of my new maps to find the ionizing sources for each gas. I feel my increasing proficiency in working with these kinds of files in the coding language python is improving each week. Right now the maps are made so that the highest value pixels correspond with the strongest points of gas concentration. I am very interested to see how this will look next to maps of the gasses being characterized by ionization.

In addition to working on the M82 project I was able to help in the assembly of the SPRITE cube satellite. This was easily the coolest thing I have done thus far during my internship. All construction of SPRITE has to take place in the cleanroom. So in order to work on SPRITE we must gown up. This includes putting on a frock, two layers of gloves, mask, hairnet, and booties; since we were working with electrical components of SPRITE we had to wear special gloves and a bracelet to ground us. This ensures no static electricity will be discharged from our bodies and affect the electrical components of SPRITE. Our actual work on the satellite assembly had us organizing and locating different screws and washer we would need for attaching parts and then attaching batteries with what we had located. Before entering the cleanroom we cleaned a GoPro and tripod for Liam to use. I cannot wait to see the result of the video taken.

Outside of work Liam and I went to see Stick Figure at Red Rocks. This was a super cool concert and we were all surprised when he brought out Sublime! Other than that Liam and I continue to enjoy the scenery of our bike rides in Boulder and our shared enthusiasm for cooking.

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