Emma Galleger- Marine Biology at UCSB- Week 4

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2024 Interns, Emma Galleger

Hi everyone I have just completed my fourth week here in Santa Barbara and it was amazing once again. 


On Monday I continued to work on Billy’s camera footage tagging if the clams were feeding or not.

Tuesday during lecture taught by Mark Page we learned about estuaries and salt marshes. We looked at characteristics and how each type formed. It was interesting to see the differences between the two and how each ecosystem worked. During work this day I continued to work on Billy’s footage. Every once and a while a crab would come through the frames which was super interesting. We didn’t have labs this week so we just went home after work.

On Wednesday I finished the final day of footage to go through on Billy’s camera’s. After I had finished I started to help Sam go through and check all of the transects she had done earlier so we didn’t miss any clams. 

Thursday we went to another one of Mark’s lectures this time about mud flats and tidal creeks. We reviewed different organisms that live in these systems and how different organisms effect the rest. During work we continued to check through

transect Sam had previously gone through. We started working through the transects in the Goleta beach site and had to call Kristen to help us figure out some of the different species we were starting to see. After work we ordered Crumbl Cookies as a little treat.

On Friday we continued working through the transects in the Goleta beach site. Once we had finished up for the day we went to the beach to read and hang out.

Saturday was just our chore day but I did go get my hair cut before school starts.

Next week is our last full week in lab before we leave so that will be great.

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