Catcher Latta, Frazier Rehabilitation Institute, NeuroRecovery, Week 5

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2024 Interns, Catcher Latta

My second to last week! I am still confused how 5 weeks have already passed and i am approaching the end of my internship! This week was amazing!

On monday I had the opportunity to attend an all staff meeting. What was discussed in the meeting was way above my pay grade and did not concern me. It was still super interesting to see how high level meetings are run. The rest of Monday I spent in the standing research gym. For the first time I was in charger of holding a patients knees in a standing position.


Tuesday I spent in the entire day patient clinic. I have really come to love the staff and environment in the patient clinic. I have built amazing relationships with the different Physcial and Ocupational therapists and I am great friends with all of the Therapist Techs. Another aspect of the Out Patinent Clinic I love is how every patient is completely unique. Every patient has a different personality and a different injury making everyday new!


Wednesday, I went on an offical UofL campus tour and really enjoyed it. The UofL campus is completly different than the other college tours I have been on. The campus is very focused on welcoming you in and making sure you have a home. After my tour of the campus I got a ride from my host family into work. At work I spent the rest of my day in the research standing gym, this time getting an opportunity to hold a patients hips in a stadning position.


Thursday was spent in the outpatient clinic and yet again was another slow day. The slow days don’t bother me at all. When the days in the gym are slower I can sit down with patients and have genuine conversation with them. I have learned a lot from doctors, therapists, PHD holders, and med school graduates, but I’ve also learned a lot from the patients.

Friday I spent the majority of the day behind a computer working with an Excel sheet. I had the quintessential intern job of compiling hundreds of data sheets into one Excel sheet. In addition to that I got to explore what all the undergraduates had been doing over the summer while they worked at UofL health. UofL university has a great opportunity for undergraduates at UofL to have a summer internship at Uofl health. On Friday all of the students working in the building presented what projects they had been working on over summer. Also, someone brought in doughnuts and I had an amazing apple thing!

Saturday and Sunday I spent being a tourist. I did a little shopping and a ton of relaxing! On Sunday morning my host my family and I visited the Kentucky Derby Musseum, which was an amazing experience. I would love to come back down to Louisville to expince the Kentucky Derby first hand.


Thats my week wrapped up into a few hundred words. Again, thank you for reading to the end! Stay tuned for next weeks blog. It’ll be the last one! Keep it classy


1 Comments for : Catcher Latta, Frazier Rehabilitation Institute, NeuroRecovery, Week 5
    • Meredith
    • July 30, 2024

    This is so awesome, Catcher! Way to go! It is clear that you have a big, bright future ahead of you. Your writing is fantastic, and it looks like you are having a truly great experience.

    Your cousin,

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