I’m done!
The sixth and final week of my internship has been devoted mostly to working on my own game and working with the staff in the Fab Lab to use the 3D printers and work on a project I’ve wanted to do for years.
Starting on Monday, I figured there weren’t going to be too many people around the MIX all week, so I knew I had to take as much advantage of the tools and technology in the facility as possible. I walked downstairs to the Fab lab and started talking to the staff about getting a rather large print going. I wanted to make a real-life version of the scanner from my favorite game, Subnautica. They said it should be possible, and told me to come back on Tuesday to collect the first half. the rest of the day was spent in Blender and Unreal Engine. I designed a whole gas station, as a location in my game!
On Tuesday and Wednesday, I kept checking in on the 3D print. The printer being used was an Ultimaker Factor 4, and even though it took two and a half days to print, it was lightning-fast compared to the one I have at home. The rest of those days was spent working on the landscape for my game in Unreal Engine, and I began work on the enemy in the game. To assist, I requested the help of my sister, who did a lovely job as an actress for the movement of this character.
On Thursday the print was finished. I still have to paint it and put lights in it, but overall, I’m overjoyed as to how it came out:
I also completed the forest environment in my game, and I’m ready to move on to the next section.
Friday was my last day in Mesa, and it was my grandma’s birthday, so other than a brief stop at the MIX to say goodbye and give my key back, I spent most of the day celebrating her birthday and my successful internship.
I feel extremely lucky to have had this incredible opportunity, and I’m so glad I got to meet all the people I did and spend my time in as cool a place as the MIX. Thank you to my parents, my grandparents, Clara, Johanna, Chris, and Sarah Holbrooke for making this possible.
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