Liam Intemann, Astrophysics at LASP, Week 2

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2024 Interns, Liam Intemann

This week at LASP was highly informative. Mainly consisting of meetings, I learned much more about what LASP does, its projects, and Astrophysics in general. Along with meetings, there was a practice speech for the upcoming Japan trip that went over a project named INFUSE, which focused on using UV light to observe previously undetectable celestial phenomena.

Throughout the week, I assisted another intern with their camera project, along with Patrick Minnehan. This process involved creating a black box suspended on a pully system meant to cover a camera, blocking out light that could be pulled upwards for easy access to the instruments. Aside from that, Patrick and I continued to work on detecting UV light through a glass fiber before the experiment was taken over by its original scientists. A highlight of the week definitely was the transportation and initial connection of SPRITE’s telescope, marking a significant milestone in the project’s development. Viewing the complicated and stressful processes of developing a satellite was fascinating. Overall, this week inside the lab has been very exciting.

After my internship, I have continued to enjoy time with the host family, explore Boulder, and go to the rec center on campus for its gym. Week two was incredible, and I am grateful to have had this experience.

The following blog will be posted on the 14th of July due to a pause in the internship.

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